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Catherine the Great

Robert K. Massie 作者
Random House
2011-11-8 出版日期
656 頁數
USD 35.00 價格
9780679456728 圖書編碼

Catherine the Great 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  曆史  歐洲  女性  成長  俄羅斯曆史  小說  英文版   

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What a woman! 有聲書聽瞭一半沒聽下去,寫得太囉嗦瞭抓不住重點的感覺,而且對宮廷八卦什麼的真的沒興趣。





Catherine the Great 在線電子書 著者簡介

羅伯特·K·邁锡,齣生於美國肯塔基州列剋星敦(即萊剋星頓),曾讀於耶魯大學的美國史專業,後獲得羅茲奬學金,進入牛津大學攻讀歐洲史專業,於1987至1991年齣任美國作傢協會主席一職。邁锡曾齣版有以下著作:《尼古拉與亞曆山大》、《彼得大帝:他的一生與世界》(普利策傳記類大奬獲奬作品)、《羅曼諾夫王朝: 最後的篇章》、《無敵戰艦:不列顛、德意誌與大戰的來臨》和《鋼鐵戰車:不列顛、德意誌與大海戰》。

Catherine the Great 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Catherine the Great 在線電子書 圖書描述

The Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Peter the Great, Nicholas and Alexandra, and The Romanovs returns with another masterpiece of narrative biography, the extraordinary story of an obscure young German princess who traveled to Russia at fourteen and rose to become one of the most remarkable, powerful, and captivating women in history.

Born into a minor noble family, Catherine transformed herself into Empress of Russia by sheer determination. Possessing a brilliant mind and an insatiable curiosity as a young woman, she devoured the works of Enlightenment philosophers and, when she reached the throne, attempted to use their principles to guide her rule of the vast and backward Russian empire. She knew or corresponded with the preeminent historical figures of her time: Voltaire, Diderot, Frederick the Great, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, Marie Antoinette, and, surprisingly, the American naval hero, John Paul Jones.

Reaching the throne fired by Enlightenment philosophy and determined to become the embodiment of the “benevolent despot” idealized by Montesquieu, she found herself always contending with the deeply ingrained realities of Russian life, including serfdom. She persevered, and for thirty-four years the government, foreign policy, cultural development, and welfare of the Russian people were in her hands. She dealt with domestic rebellion, foreign wars, and the tidal wave of political change and violence churned up by the French Revolution that swept across Europe. Her reputation depended entirely on the perspective of the speaker. She was praised by Voltaire as the equal of the greatest of classical philosophers; she was condemned by her enemies, mostly foreign, as “the Messalina of the north.”

Catherine’s family, friends, ministers, generals, lovers, and enemies—all are here, vividly described. These included her ambitious, perpetually scheming mother; her weak, bullying husband, Peter (who left her lying untouched beside him for nine years after their marriage); her unhappy son and heir, Paul; her beloved grandchildren; and her “favorites”—the parade of young men from whom she sought companionship and the recapture of youth as well as sex. Here, too, is the giant figure of Gregory Potemkin, her most significant lover and possible husband, with whom she shared a passionate correspondence of love and separation, followed by seventeen years of unparalleled mutual achievement.

The story is superbly told. All the special qualities that Robert K. Massie brought to Nicholas and Alexandra and Peter the Great are present here: historical accuracy, depth of understanding, felicity of style, mastery of detail, ability to shatter myth, and a rare genius for finding and expressing the human drama in extraordinary lives.

History offers few stories richer in drama than that of Catherine the Great. In this book, this eternally fascinating woman is returned to life.

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Catherine the Great 在線電子書 讀後感


叶卡捷琳娜大帝 ——权与欲的同床异梦 “当14岁的她穿越茫茫草原,赶赴俄国的时候世间无人能够想象到这段旅程竟会如此漫长而卓越,即便是她自己也未曾预料到。” 当《通往权利之路》一书的作者罗伯特•K•迈锡以这话来结束他为叶卡捷琳娜大帝写的这部厚实传记时...  


她随和友善。 他交友广泛。 她以工作为乐。 他热爱艺术。 宽宏大量,与人为善,秉性敦厚,平易近人,宽容豁达,通情达理,性格开朗。具有共和主义者的精神和一颗善良的心。 用这样的一组词语来形容一个权力拥有者的女人,我们丝毫看不出来一丝的政治家的风范,似乎这就是...  



她随和友善。 他交友广泛。 她以工作为乐。 他热爱艺术。 宽宏大量,与人为善,秉性敦厚,平易近人,宽容豁达,通情达理,性格开朗。具有共和主义者的精神和一颗善良的心。 用这样的一组词语来形容一个权力拥有者的女人,我们丝毫看不出来一丝的政治家的风范,似乎这就是...  


端午节三天假期由于各种原因,没有出门旅行,和老公彻彻底底窝在家里三天,聊天、阅读、看电影、上课、还加了一小段班。虽然和自己计划的读完三本书还有一定差距,但也很悠闲、舒适,并能感受到幸福。谁让我的计划总是太过不切实际呢。 这本《叶卡捷琳娜二世》终于即将阅读完毕...  

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