Search Inside Yourself 在线电子书 图书标签: 心理学 心理 冥想 meditation mindfulness 陳一鳴 Google 情商
Search Inside Yourself 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024
评分有点辜负与Google的关联,冥想的科学解释有点少。中文版被封估计是里面点赞了达赖。 最有价值的是里面的各种练习,需要坚持去做
评分very cute illustrations! funny guy, simple approach, clear - not labeled as buddhism... hmmmmm
陈一鸣(Chade-Meng Tan)
新加坡裔谷歌元老级工程师,IQ高达156,天才型EQ达人,是谷歌最知名的“开心一哥”。他凭借与《情商》作者丹尼尔•戈尔曼、禅师诺曼•费雪、多家企业CEO、斯坦福大学科学家等重量级大腕创立的这门伟大的情商课爆红于硅谷,并辐射到全球各地。凡到访谷歌总部的名人政要都与他合照,才算“到此一游”,这已成了谷歌的传统。至今他已与奥巴马、克林顿、索罗斯等几百位名人合照!谷歌特别为他开辟了一面“鸣”人墙(Meng's Wall)来张贴这些照片。
他曾两度登上《纽约时报》头版,并受邀美国白宫、联合国大会、柏林世界和平大会与TED大会发表演说。目前他任职谷歌人力资源部,负责谷歌 EDU个人成长项目,从一名成功的软件工程师变成谷歌“灵魂工程师”——他将自己的工作描述为“启迪心灵,敞开心扉,共创世界和平”。
From the ground-breaking offices of Google, 'Search Inside Yourself' is a personal growth program that focuses on developing emotional intelligence through mindfulness, making its participants more productive at work and better leaders, while becoming more peaceful, happy and compassionate individuals. Famed for its innovative and unusual, yet highly successful working culture, Google is more than just a search engine. One such innovation is the' Search Inside Yourself' program, created for Google by a diverse group of individuals including a Zen Master, a CEO, a Stanford University scientist, and author Daniel Goleman, it's been a life changing program for many participants, contributing to great improvements in both their personal and professional lives. 'Search Inside Yourself' has been taught in Google since 2007 producing dramatic results. Some participants have found new meaning and fulfilment in their jobs (one person changed her mind about leaving the company after taking the course!) Some have become much better at what they do; one engineering manager discovered the importance of giving himself quality time and reduced his working hours to four days a week. After he did that, he got promoted! Some have become more effective managers, learning to listen and communicate better and bringing a calm attitude to every situation. Not surprisingly, many people found 'Search Inside Yourself' to be beneficial in their personal lives as well. Many participants found they were happier and less-stressed, their marital relationships improved and some even said the program helped them deal with personal crises. This book will show you how to apply the principles of 'Search Inside Yourself' to you, your business and everyday life. Whether you are a junior team member or a senior manager, a secondary school teacher or a bus driver these valuable lessons have the potential to dramatically improve your life. Written by Chade-Meng Tan, the first engineer in Google's history to leave the Engineering department and join their Peoples Ops Group, where he leads this and other personal-growth programs. It also includes a foreword by Daniel Goleman, the author of Emotional Intelligence and introduction from Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are.
《硅谷最受欢迎的情商课》最初看到这本书的名字时,以为这又是一本噱头大于实质,看时热血沸腾看完扔到脑后的“励志鸡汤”。在一个充满阳光的早上翻开它之后,却一发不可收拾的一章一章读下去,感觉充满暖洋洋的平静。我觉得这本书的英文名更好的反应了此书的核心《Search Insi...
评分《硅谷最受欢迎的情商课》最初看到这本书的名字时,以为这又是一本噱头大于实质,看时热血沸腾看完扔到脑后的“励志鸡汤”。在一个充满阳光的早上翻开它之后,却一发不可收拾的一章一章读下去,感觉充满暖洋洋的平静。我觉得这本书的英文名更好的反应了此书的核心《Search Insi...
评分也许大家都看到那条新闻,“又一中科院计算所博导加盟北京龙泉寺”。这新闻不禁让人疑惑,到底寺庙生活哪一点吸引高智商的人了呢?也许本书可以给你答案。 Search Inside Yourself中文译名为硅谷最受欢迎的情商课。一开始读这书就是被这情商二字吸引的,但是翻了几页,觉得被...
评分正如标题所说的那样~其实这本书并不是讲情商,而是在讲如何修禅。 你觉得我会告诉你说整本书,只有最后那十几页是讲情商的吗?!!! 在我眼中,甚至在很多人的眼中高EQ,意味着: 1. 跟很多人都合得来。(多朋友) 2. 很容易与陌生人成为朋友。(善交际) 3. 能够找到人际间...
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