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The Lost Bank

Kirsten Grind 作者
Simon & Schuster
2012-6-12 出版日期
389 頁數
GBP 19.35 價格
9781451617924 圖書編碼

The Lost Bank 在線電子書 圖書標籤: WAMU  Finance   

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WaMu是個好故事,但 1 作者太想寫人物衝突,但WaMu的問題肯定不是“人變瞭”這麼簡單;2 作者對整個金融和客觀環境寫得太少,太過“采訪驅動”;以及 3 寫作末節太多,真正的宏觀敘事把控不足


銀行並購候選:財務上較弱的,沒有繼位計劃的,CEO(離婚)需要錢的; 也提到瞭並購最難的部分是係統的兼容性. 著重描寫新CEO到來之後追求規模,捨棄以前的儉樸文化. 係統老化無法監控貸款最新的動態,董事會也濛在鼓裏。麵對擠兌,銀行能做的也隻是重復FDIC保險的廣告,並且盡量拖延壞消息的散步,擠兌就會如泡沫慢慢消退。危機時FHLB 也因為不確定性無法作為lolr.


If WaMu can be fixed, he can fix it


If WaMu can be fixed, he can fix it

The Lost Bank 在線電子書 著者簡介

In 2009, Kirsten Grind wrote a series of investigative articles about Washington Mutual for the Puget Sound Business Journal in Seattle. WaMu had collapsed in September 2008 during the financial crisis, marking the largest bank failure in U.S. history. The stories later received a Pulitzer finalist citation and won numerous other national awards. Grind then spent the next two years interviewing hundreds of people and digging through thousands of documents for The Lost Bank, the first book to be written about WaMu's failure. It is written as a narrative, so that even those with little interest in banks or finance can understand (and relate to) one of America's greatest financial catastrophes. Grind is now a reporter for The Wall Street Journal in New York.

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The Lost Bank 在線電子書 圖書描述

An award-winning reporter chronicles the calamitous story of Washington Mutual, the single-largest bank failure in American history, in a fast-paced, compelling, and gripping saga of greed and excess.

During the most dizzying days of the financial crisis, Washington Mutual, a bank with hundreds of billions of dollars in its coffers, suffered a crippling bank run. The story of its final, brutal collapse in the autumn of 2008, and its controversial sale to JPMorgan Chase, is an astonishing account of how one bank lost itself to greed and mismanagement, and how the entire financial industry—even the entire country—lost its way as well.

Written as compellingly as the finest fiction, The Lost Bank introduces readers to the regulators and the bankers, the home buyers and the lenders who together created the largest bank failure in American history. The result is a magisterial and gripping account of the incredible rise and the precipitous collapse of not only an institution but of trust, fortunes, and the marketplaces for risk across the world.

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