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Fight Club

Chuck Palahniuk 作者
1997-10-2 出版日期
218 页数
GBP 8.99 价格
9780099765219 图书编码

Fight Club 在线电子书 图书标签: ChuckPalahniuk  小说  搏击俱乐部  外国文学  剧本  美国  英文原版  fight   

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Waiters will always pee in the soup. People will always fall in love.






real elegant, tough words.

Fight Club 在线电子书 著者简介

Written in stolen moments under truck chassis and on park benches to a soundtrack of The Downward Spiral and Pablo Honey, Fight Club came into existence. The adaptation of Fight Club was a flop at the box office, but achieved cult status on DVD. The film’s popularity drove sales of the novel. Chuck put out two novels in 1999, Survivor and Invisible Monsters. Choke, published in 2001, became Chuck’s first New York Times bestseller. Chuck’s work has always been infused with personal experience, and his next novel, Lullaby, was no exception. Chuck credits writing Lullaby with helping him cope with the tragic death of his father. Diary and the non-fiction guide to Portland, Fugitives and Refugees, were released in 2003. While on the road in support of Diary, Chuck began reading a short story entitled 'Guts,' which would eventually become part of the novel Haunted.

In the years that followed, he continued to write, publishing the bestselling Rant, Snuff, Pygmy, Tell-All, a 'remix' of Invisible Monsters, Damned, and most recently, Doomed.

Chuck also enjoys giving back to his fans, and teaching the art of storytelling has been an important part of that. In 2004, Chuck began submitting essays to on the craft of writing. These were 'How To' pieces, straight out of Chuck's personal bag of tricks, based on the tenants of minimalism he learned from Tom Spanbauer. Every month, a “Homework Assignment” would accompany the lesson, so Workshop members could apply what they had learned. (all 36 of these essays can currently be found on The Cult's sister-site,

Then, in 2009, Chuck increased his involvement by committing to read and review a selection of fan-written stories each month. The best stories are currently set to be published in Burnt Tongues, a forthcoming anthology, with an introduction written by Chuck himself.

His next novel, Beautiful You, is due out in October 2014.

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Fight Club 在线电子书 图书描述

Chuck Palahniuk showed himself to be his generation’s most visionary satirist in this, his first book. Fight Club’s estranged narrator leaves his lackluster job when he comes under the thrall of Tyler Durden, an enigmatic young man who holds secret after-hours boxing matches in the basement of bars. There, two men fight "as long as they have to." This is a gloriously original work that exposes the darkness at the core of our modern world.

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假如故事的结局不是先从电影里得知了,真不知道这部小说该会有多精彩。小说里大量运用的第二人称叙述更是让人如临其境。 “现如今,拥有一副美丽的平凡躯体再也算不得什么了”,泰勒说。 和平和安定已经让很多男人们失去了除勃起以外的其他雄性特质。男人们开始在乎自己的发...  




少了许多阅读乐趣. 很难说谁更好看,电影还是小说. ,都是很棒的作品.不过,先看的电影还是部分的剥夺了阅读小说的快乐. 爱德华诺顿在电影里当着老板的面自己打自己那段太酷了.比小说里描写得还要精彩  


Everything has fallen apart and is still falling apart. But do you know Who is Tyler Durden? Why there is Tyler Durden. He is smart, funny and charming and forceful and independent. And man look up to him and expect him to change his world. Tyler is cap...

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