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Edward W. Said 作者
Columbia University Press
1985 出版日期
414 頁數
USD 30.00 價格
9780231059374 圖書編碼

Beginnings 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 薩義德  Edward.W.Said  文學批評  文學理論  薩義德  文學理論/批評/研究    LL   

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Beginnings 在線電子書 用戶評價


Edward Said's early style works, seeing the textual thinking earlier than orientalism, are the earliest thinking for his mature works and show the academic depth of a literary critic.


Edward Said's early style works, seeing the textual thinking earlier than orientalism, are the earliest thinking for his mature works and show the academic depth of a literary critic.


精彩,雖然並不確定有沒有能理解到一半的內涵。剛開始讀的時候以為會是剋默德的counterpart,現在看來薩義德全書的關注麵要鋪得開的多。中間三章幾乎可以看做是關於如何開始寫作的現象學,然末兩章討論福柯、結構/解構、Origin的缺失還有維科可能纔是重心所在?可參看艾柯在《開放的詩學》中對Serialism VS Structuralism的討論。|Cf. 知識考古學 Part IV。


Edward Said's early style works, seeing the textual thinking earlier than orientalism, are the earliest thinking for his mature works and show the academic depth of a literary critic.


精彩,雖然並不確定有沒有能理解到一半的內涵。剛開始讀的時候以為會是剋默德的counterpart,現在看來薩義德全書的關注麵要鋪得開的多。中間三章幾乎可以看做是關於如何開始寫作的現象學,然末兩章討論福柯、結構/解構、Origin的缺失還有維科可能纔是重心所在?可參看艾柯在《開放的詩學》中對Serialism VS Structuralism的討論。|Cf. 知識考古學 Part IV。

Beginnings 在線電子書 著者簡介

Beginnings 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Beginnings 在線電子書 圖書描述

A "beginning," especially as embodied in much modern thought, is its own method, Edward Said argues in this classic treatise on the role of the intellectual and the goal of criticism. Distinguishing between "origin," which is divine, mythical, and privileged, and "beginning," which is secular and humanly produced, Said traces the ramifications and diverse understandings of the concept of beginning through history. A beginning is a first step in the intentional production of meaning and the production of difference from preexisting traditions. It authorizes subsequent texts -- it both enables them and limits what is acceptable. Drawing on the insights of Vico, Valery, Nietzsche, Saussure, Levi-Strauss, Husserl, and Foucault, Said recognizes the novel as the major attempt in Western literary culture to give beginnings an authorizing function in experience, art, and knowledge. Scholarship should see itself as a beginning -- as a uniting of theory and practice. Said's insistence on a criticism that is humane and socially responsible is what makes Beginnings a book about much more than writing: it is about imagination and action as well as the constraints on freedom and invention that come from human intention and the method of its fulfillment.

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Beginnings 在線電子書 讀後感


写作,为了一种创世的权威 云也退 阿摩司•奥兹有本演讲集,题目叫“故事开始了”。他写道:“如果我们想写一个故事,开头一句是:‘吉尔伯特出生于盖代拉。她出生的前一天,一场暴风雨把苦楝树连根拔起,并且毁掉了篱笆墙。’我们可能还得讲讲那棵苦楝树是怎么倒的,甚或...  


原文:   The problem of beginnings is one of those problems that, if allowed to, will confront one with equal intensity on a practical level and a theoretical level.      中译:   关于开端的问题,人们在实践和理论层面都会碰到。      请问:这样的...


写作,为了一种创世的权威 云也退 阿摩司•奥兹有本演讲集,题目叫“故事开始了”。他写道:“如果我们想写一个故事,开头一句是:‘吉尔伯特出生于盖代拉。她出生的前一天,一场暴风雨把苦楝树连根拔起,并且毁掉了篱笆墙。’我们可能还得讲讲那棵苦楝树是怎么倒的,甚或...  


原文:   The problem of beginnings is one of those problems that, if allowed to, will confront one with equal intensity on a practical level and a theoretical level.      中译:   关于开端的问题,人们在实践和理论层面都会碰到。      请问:这样的...


写作,为了一种创世的权威 云也退 阿摩司•奥兹有本演讲集,题目叫“故事开始了”。他写道:“如果我们想写一个故事,开头一句是:‘吉尔伯特出生于盖代拉。她出生的前一天,一场暴风雨把苦楝树连根拔起,并且毁掉了篱笆墙。’我们可能还得讲讲那棵苦楝树是怎么倒的,甚或...  

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