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Flexible Citizenship

Aihwa Ong 作者
Duke University Press Books
1999-2-19 出版日期
322 頁數
USD 25.95 價格
9780822322696 圖書編碼

Flexible Citizenship 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 人類學  Sociology  移民  Transnationalism  Anthropology  社會學  Citizenship  AihwaOng   

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Flexible Citizenship 在線電子書 用戶評價


#77 在王的著作裏, transnational capitalism總是一個impose其他因素上的autonomous area, 這導緻瞭三個governmentalities的局限, 尤其是對governmentality of state定義的局限.


Transnational, migration studies, cultural globalization; diasporas and cosmopolitanism. New modes of subjectification: flexiblility, mobility and disciplines. Meida chapter 5 and 6.




Transnational, migration studies, cultural globalization; diasporas and cosmopolitanism. New modes of subjectification: flexiblility, mobility and disciplines. Meida chapter 5 and 6.


內容上,目前唯一的長書評把前三章總結得很到位瞭,但是我不贊同長書評裏最後對於種族問題的看法。用“移民湧入的多少”來解釋與“當地人”的危機,似乎正是把問題從“全球資本分配不公及其原因” + “誰是移民,誰是當地人 (white settlers, non-white newcomers, Indigenous people)” + “如何看待資本、資源、土地、領域之間的關係” 的問題上轉移開瞭。

Flexible Citizenship 在線電子書 著者簡介

Flexible Citizenship 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Flexible Citizenship 在線電子書 圖書描述

Few recent phenomena have proved as emblematic of our era, and as little understood, as globalisation. Are nation-states being transformed by globalisation into a single globalised economy? Do global cultural forces herald a postnational millennium? Tying ethnography to structural analysis, "Flexible Citizenship" explores such questions with a focus on the links between the cultural logics of human action and on economic and political processes within the Asia-Pacific, including the impact of these forces on women and family life.Explaining how intensified travel, communications, and mass media have created a trans-national Chinese public, Aihwa Ong argues that previous studies have mistakenly viewed trans-nationality as necessarily detrimental to the nation-state and have ignored individual agency in the large-scale flow of people, images, and cultural forces across borders. She describes how political upheavals and global markets have induced Asian investors, in particular, to blend strategies of migration and of capital accumulation and how these trans-national subjects have come to symbolise both the fluidity of capital and the tension between national and personal identities.Refuting claims about the end of the nation-state and about 'the clash of civilizations', Ong presents a clear account of the cultural logics of globalisation and an incisive contribution to the anthropology of Asia-Pacific modernity and its links to global social change. This pioneering investigation of trans-national cultural forms will appeal to those in anthropology, globalisation studies, postcolonial studies, history, Asian studies, Marxist theory, and cultural studies.

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