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Love Medicine

Louise Erdrich 作者
Harper Perennial
1993-11-18 出版日期
0 頁數
USD 14.00 價格
9780060975548 圖書編碼

Love Medicine 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Louise_Erdrich  NativeAmericanNovel  美國印第安人小說  英文  文學  小說  印第安  Erdrich   

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an elegant and thoughful book with some touching sentences



Love Medicine 在線電子書 著者簡介

Karen Louise Erdrich is a American author of novels, poetry, and children's books. Her father is German American and mother is half Ojibwe and half French American. She is an enrolled member of the Anishinaabe nation (also known as Chippewa). She is widely acclaimed as one of the most significant Native writers of the second wave of what critic Kenneth Lincoln has called the Native American Renaissance.

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From a book description:

Author Biography:

Louise Erdrich is one of the most gifted, prolific, and challenging of contemporary Native American novelists. Born in 1954 in Little Falls, Minnesota, she grew up mostly in Wahpeton, North Dakota, where her parents taught at Bureau of Indian Affairs schools. Her fiction reflects aspects of her mixed heritage: German through her father, and French and Ojibwa through her mother. She worked at various jobs, such as hoeing sugar beets, farm work, waitressing, short order cooking, lifeguarding, and construction work, before becoming a writer. She attended the Johns Hopkins creative writing program and received fellowships at the McDowell Colony and the Yaddo Colony. After she was named writer-in-residence at Dartmouth, she married professor Michael Dorris and raised several children, some of them adopted. She and Michael became a picture-book husband-and-wife writing team, though they wrote only one truly collaborative novel, The Crown of Columbus (1991).

The Antelope Wife was published in 1998, not long after her separation from Michael and his subsequent suicide. Some reviewers believed they saw in The Antelope Wife the anguish Erdrich must have felt as her marriage crumbled, but she has stated that she is unconscious of having mirrored any real-life events.

She is the author of four previous bestselling andaward-winning novels, including Love Medicine; The Beet Queen; Tracks; and The Bingo Palace. She also has written two collections of poetry, Jacklight, and Baptism of Desire. Her fiction has been honored by the National Book Critics Circle (1984) and The Los Angeles Times (1985), and has been translated into fourteen languages.

Several of her short stories have been selected for O. Henry awards and for inclusion in the annual Best American Short Story anthologies. The Blue Jay's Dance, a memoir of motherhood, was her first nonfiction work, and her children's book, Grandmother's Pigeon, has been published by Hyperion Press. She lives in Minnesota with her children, who help her run a small independent bookstore called The Birchbark.

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Love Medicine 在線電子書 圖書描述

The first book in Louise Erdrich's Native American series, which also includes The Beet Queen, Tracks, and The Bingo Palace, Love Medicine tells the story of two families--the Kashpaws and the Lamartines.Now resequenced by the author with the addition of never-before-published chapters, this is a publishing event equivalent to the presentation of a new and definitive text. Written in Erdrich's uniquely poetic, powerful style, Love Medicine springs to raging life: a multigenerational portrait of new truths and secrets whose time has come, of strong men and women caught in an unforgettable drama of anger, desire, and the healing power that is Love Medicine. Discover the writer whom Philp Roth called "the most interesting new American novelist to have appeared in years" all over again.

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Love Medicine 在線電子書 讀後感


罗豫/文 当代印第安人作为美国社会的边缘群体,出现在公众舞台上的角色,常常模式化得可怜。他们是历史书上的一串不光彩的数字,是西部片里一开头就死去的倒霉蛋,是羽毛工艺品的模特,是“酋长”的代名词,是美国小孩玩游戏时热衷扮演的人物。即便“严肃”地被提及,“有识之...  


不太好译、值得一读的厄德里克 张廷佺 路易丝·厄德里克是美国当代最多产、最有成就、最富创造力的作家之一,是美国印第安文艺复兴第二次浪潮的代表人物,曾先后获得纳尔逊·阿尔格伦短篇小说奖、欧·亨利短篇小说奖、全国书评家协会奖、司各特·奥台尔历史小说奖、全国图书...  


摘自《新浪博客》 作者:偷桃窃药 准备看这部小说,是因为《爱药》这个名字吸引了我。我也就像所有肤浅的人们一样,渴望能有一种爱药。但是这部小说并不是说如何寻找爱药,它讲述的是人生。正因为我们还年轻,许多事情还没有经历过,所以急于了解人生内容。于是看别人的...  


【本文首发于《南岛视界》1,2月合刊 】 路易丝·厄德里克被称为是“美国印第安文艺复兴第二次大潮的代表人物”,乃是拜她的短篇小说集《爱药》所赐。在这部没有中心人物,却围绕着奥吉布瓦人的三大家族而展开的故事中,路易斯·厄德里克用诗意而魔性的文字写尽了他们的苦楚,...  


细腻、灵动、魔幻版的语言,有些比喻令人心驰神往。 但全书失之冗琐拖沓,结构安排不够精致细巧,大可砍去三分之一。 省略的部分略显突兀。 作者强于女性叙事,尽管使用复调手法,但男性话语和人物形象处于相对黯淡的劣势。女性形象突出鲜明。  

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