The Handmaid's Tale 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 反烏托邦 MargaretAtwood 女性 小說 外國文學 Dystopia 加拿大 英文原版
The Handmaid's Tale 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025
評分A novel about sex, language, power, taboo, the past, hope and desperation, romance… 很久沒讀過內容這麼豐富而且好看的書瞭,結局也是齣乎意料而震撼人心的,雞凍地不知道論文寫啥瞭。
評分A novel about sex, language, power, taboo, the past, hope and desperation, romance… 很久沒讀過內容這麼豐富而且好看的書瞭,結局也是齣乎意料而震撼人心的,雞凍地不知道論文寫啥瞭。
MARGARET ATWOOD, whose work has been published in over thirty-five countries, is the author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, and critical essays. In addition to The Handmaid's Tale, her novels include Cat's Eye, shortlisted for the Booker Prize; Alias Grace, which won the Giller Prize in Canada and the Premio Mondello in Italy; The Blind Assassin, winner of the 2000 Booker Prize; and her most recent, Oryx and Crake, shortlisted for the 2003 Booker Prize. She lives in Toronto with writer Graeme Gibson.
From the bestselling author of Alias Grace and the MaddAddam trilogy, here is the #1 New York Times bestseller and seminal work of speculative fiction from the Booker Prize-winning author.
Now a Hulu series starring Elizabeth Moss, Samira Wiley, and Joseph Fiennes. Includes a new introduction by Margaret Atwood.
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are valued only if their ovaries are viable.
Offred can remember the days before, when she lived and made love with her husband Luke; when she played with and protected her daughter; when she had a job, money of her own, and access to knowledge. But all of that is gone now….
Funny, unexpected, horrifying, and altogether convincing, The Handmaid's Tale is at once scathing satire, dire warning, and literary tour de force.
书读完了,依照很多年来的习惯先看正文后看前言或者译序之类的东西,避免先入为主的印象,这次依然如此,发现这本书不太适合这位译者。 公平的说译者的语言文字功底没有问题,问题出现对社会和宗教的缺乏了解上,而对于这本书来的翻译来说无疑是个缺陷。 比如:基列。 关于其代...
評分文明并不总是向前进的,也有可能是向后退的。一切都不会瞬间改变的,而是像温水煮青蛙一样,在你还没有察觉的时候就已经被煮死了。作为女性个体,当你不再秉持“自立自强”的信念,而是屈服于“找个好男人嫁了”的模因时,那就该警醒了。 女性被剥夺了工作机会,冻结了银行资产...
評分正因为所有事情都曾真实地发生过,禁止堕胎、月经警察、秘密处决、人口清洗,使得把它归类为科幻小说真的很讽刺。 喜欢看女性写女性,因为知道她的心里究竟在想什么,女人如此感性,被爱与欲望驱使着,盲信于人,善良而温顺,女人的恐惧又是根植于生命里的,渗透在生活所有缝隙...
評分玛格丽特·阿特伍德拥有魔力。她的笔,如同阿拉贡的纳西尔圣剑,唤醒无数魂灵,如海潮般低低呜鸣,汇聚黑暗中的力量,遮蔽整个天空,风一般掠过众人的身心,冲散他,风干他,白骨乍现。 《使女的故事》是我读的第二本她的小说。扉页上有她的照片,更加印证了她魔法师的真实身...
評分看书前就听说这是个政治恐怖小说,果真,整本书里,几乎没有一个对笑容的描写,一些都是沉抑的,没有情感的。故事围绕着Offred (the Handmaid)的命运,她生活在一个做爱是为了繁殖,一切都由权威控制的社会。 一本很好的反乌托邦的书,由于一切都是虚幻的,所以有不少书评家...
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