The Empire of Min 在线电子书 图书标签: 薛愛華 闽越 海外中国研究 闽国 历史 五代十国 閩國 唐宋
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◎ 著者简介
薛爱华(Edward Hetzel Schafer,1913-1991),美国著名汉学家, 20 世纪后半期美国中古中国研究的代表人物。1947 年获得哈佛大学东方语言学博士学位,后任教于加州大学伯克利分校。1958 - 1964 年,担任《美国东方学会会刊》(Journal of the American Oriental Society)主编,1974 - 1975 年,担任美国东方学会会长。其代表作包括《闽国》《撒马尔罕的金桃》《朱雀》《珠崖》《神女》等。
◎ 译者简介
程章灿,南京大学文学院教授。1983 年获北京大学历史学学士,1989 年获南京大学文学博士, 2008 年被评为教育部长江学者特聘教授。曾任美国哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、西雅图华盛顿大学、英国牛津大学高级访问学者,台湾大学客座教授。发表学术著作、译著、论文众多。
The period between the fall of the Tang dynasty in 907 and the establishment of the Song in 960 is often dismissed as a bleak chapter in Chinese history, a half-century of national disunity and anarchy. However, while it is true that the north during this time was continually ravaged by attacks from Khitans and Turks, the south enjoyed a time of peace, economic prosperity, and cultural growth. This engaging study by the eminent Sinologist Edward H. Schafer examines the so-called Empire of Min, centered in the coastal and semi-tropical present-day province of Fujian. Professor Schafer describes the geography, government, and political structure of Min, as well as its economy, arts, literature, and religion. As those familiar with the work of Professor Schafer might expect, the interesting economic and political issues of the day are made clear, and its colorful characters and their various machinations come alive. This limited reprinted work incorporates the corrigenda compiled by the author.
10世纪的福建,曾经有个王国,叫“闽国”。历史学家不太关注这个弹丸小国,专门的论著就更稀见了。汉学名家薛爱华却对它感兴趣,特撰《闽国》一书。 唐朝末年,天下大乱,黄巢兵祸长安,中原群雄竞起。当此时,光州固始(今河南固始)王氏兄弟转掠南方,割据闽地。886年,王潮...
评分 评分在中国历史上,10 世纪是最被忽视的时代之一。尤其是传统史学称为“五代”的这个时期,无论是中国学者还是外国学者,都不约而同地存在着重视不够的情形。研究这个复杂而又重要领域的历史与文化时,欧洲各种语言中可资利用的材料极为贫乏,这一点,只要扫一眼诸如哈佛燕京学社图...
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