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Peter and Alice

John Logan 作者
Oberon Books
2013-4-23 出版日期
96 页数
USD 17.95 价格
9781849434744 图书编码

Peter and Alice 在线电子书 图书标签: 剧本  BenWhishaw  英国  戏剧  JohnLogan  JudiDench  play  English   

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Peter and Alice 在线电子书 用户评价


Beautifully written. All boys grow and no girls stay the same. Those enchanting and immortal moments don't last at all and will eventually go into vapors in the adulthood. That's the brutal truth of life. They chose different ways but the results are equally heartbreaking.




听着现场录音看哭了T-T 编剧就是将两个最美好单纯的童话形象放在一起,然后往死里虐的节奏...成长实在是最最残酷糟心的事...


"Children don't have hearts yet, not really. They haven't been hurt into the need for one."


看似Peter是最明白事理,洞悉人生意义的,他把所有的苦痛都埋藏在了内心的深处——Peter Pan并非是他苦痛的根源,但亲人的离世和战争的残忍,让他看透了了活下去的意义——meaningless ,于是,他选择了若干年后在奔驰的列车前,结束自己。叹息....... 叹息人生太多无奈,就像Alice在把Barries的信件都烧掉时所说得:all the lovely words , all his heart's devotion ,gone ! As if they never existed... it was first time i realized that things don't always stay the same. Epub:

Peter and Alice 在线电子书 著者简介

This is the first new play from three-time Academy Award-nominated screenwriter and playwright John Logan since his play Red went on to sell thousands of copies and played London to great acclaim before transferring to a smash hit Broadway run where it won six Tony Awards including Best New Play. His work for the stage includes Never the Sinner, Hauptmann, a new adaptation of Ibsen's The Master Builder and Red, the Tony-winning play about painter Mark Rothko. Logan's work as a screenwriter includes Skyfall, Sweeney Todd, The Aviator, Hugo, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, Rango, Coriolanus and Any Given Sunday.

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Peter and Alice 在线电子书 图书描述

‘Of course that’s how it begins: a harmless fairy tale to pass the hours’

When Alice Liddell Hargreaves met Peter Llewelyn Davies at the opening of a Lewis Carroll exhibition in 1932, the original Alice in Wonderland came face to face with the original Peter Pan. In John Logan’s remarkable new play, enchantment and reality collide as this brief encounter lays bare the lives of these two extraordinary characters.

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Peter and Alice 在线电子书 读后感


重读Peter and Alice,想到Gilbert和Gubar关于authorship的论述。 "A final paradox of the metaphor of literary paternity is the fact that in the same way an author both generates and imprisonshis fictive creatures, he silences them by depriving them of autonomy...  


- Grown ups look in the mirror, and then look at the clock... They walk into an empty house that feels emptier every day that passes, for it brings them ever-closer to the final and inescapable loneliness: that last echoing room where you are truly alone. ...


- Grown ups look in the mirror, and then look at the clock... They walk into an empty house that feels emptier every day that passes, for it brings them ever-closer to the final and inescapable loneliness: that last echoing room where you are truly alone. ...


重读Peter and Alice,想到Gilbert和Gubar关于authorship的论述。 "A final paradox of the metaphor of literary paternity is the fact that in the same way an author both generates and imprisonshis fictive creatures, he silences them by depriving them of autonomy...  


- Grown ups look in the mirror, and then look at the clock... They walk into an empty house that feels emptier every day that passes, for it brings them ever-closer to the final and inescapable loneliness: that last echoing room where you are truly alone. ...

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