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The Almost Nearly Perfect People

Michael Booth 作者
Jonathan Cape
2014-2-6 出版日期
416 页数
GBP 14.99 价格
9780224089623 图书编码

The Almost Nearly Perfect People 在线电子书 图书标签: 北欧  文化  旅行  英文原版  欧洲  travelling  英文版  文化之旅   

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The Almost Nearly Perfect People 在线电子书 用户评价


英国人的吐槽真是逆天… 话说作者一开始的动机应该是为了吐槽丹麦吧,后来怕被老婆打死才扩展到了北欧五国?




去丹麦和瑞典前就买来读,回来后断断续续一个月终于读完了。书的前99%讲almost,最后1%讲perfect。对于印象中的北欧,3周的生活体验的北欧,书中的北欧有了不一样的感觉和统一。作者的幽默和常常的戏精(stop me!!!)表达方式实在太有趣了,至于客观与否,还需要探索


去丹麦和瑞典前就买来读,回来后断断续续一个月终于读完了。书的前99%讲almost,最后1%讲perfect。对于印象中的北欧,3周的生活体验的北欧,书中的北欧有了不一样的感觉和统一。作者的幽默和常常的戏精(stop me!!!)表达方式实在太有趣了,至于客观与否,还需要探索


Bitterly judgmental and condescending

The Almost Nearly Perfect People 在线电子书 著者简介

Michael Booth contributes to numerous British and foreign magazines and all of the UK's broadsheet newspapers. He is the author of four works of non-fiction: Eat, Pray, Eat, which was nominated for a British Travel Press Award in 2012; Just As Well I'm Leaving, nominated for the Irish Times first writers award; Sacré Cordon Bleu, a BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week; and Sushi and Beyond, winner of the Guild of Food Writers award in 2010. He lives in Denmark with his wife and children.

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The Almost Nearly Perfect People 在线电子书 图书描述

As heard on Book of the Week, Radio 4

The whole world wants to learn the secrets of Nordic exceptionalism: why are the Danes the happiest people in the world, despite having the highest taxes? If the Finns really have the best education system, how come they still think all Swedish men are gay? Are the Icelanders really feral? How are the Norwegians spending their fantastical oil wealth? And why do all of them hate the Swedes?

Michael Booth has lived among the Scandinavians, on and off, for over ten years, perplexed by their many strange paradoxes and character traits and equally bemused by the unquestioning enthusiasm for all things Nordic that has engulfed the rest of the world, whether it be for their food, television, social systems or chunky knitwear.

In this timely book he leaves his adopted home of Denmark and embarks on a journey through all five of the Nordic countries to discover who these curious tribes are, the secrets of their success and, most intriguing of all, what they think of each other. Along the way a more nuanced, often darker picture emerges of a region plagued by taboos, characterised by suffocating parochialism and populated by extremists of various shades.

They may very well be almost nearly perfect, but it isn't easy being Scandinavian.

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你是不是每天都很不愿意上班、到了公司又饱受老板的折磨、却还不好意思请假呢? 是不是每次被迫听到父母说谁谁谁家的孩子又考第一,朋友说谁谁谁又买了大房子、买了新车,你就很想掀桌了,明明很无聊的事情为什么要被你们强迫广播? 是不是每当你想充分享受一下生活时,就...  



生活在一个高寒、高税率、社会单调的地区,会有什么幸福感可言?但它偏偏被誉为“人间的乐土”,没错,我说的正是北欧。 作为一个英国人,记者迈克尔•布斯将他的第二祖国安在了丹麦,结果他发现北欧人竟然比英国人还内敛沉默。斯堪的纳维亚半岛输出了众多品牌和文化,它们相...  


你是不是每天都很不愿意上班、到了公司又饱受老板的折磨、却还不好意思请假呢? 是不是每次被迫听到父母说谁谁谁家的孩子又考第一,朋友说谁谁谁又买了大房子、买了新车,你就很想掀桌了,明明很无聊的事情为什么要被你们强迫广播? 是不是每当你想充分享受一下生活时,就...  

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