Chinese History 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

Chinese History

Endymion Wilkinson 作者
Harvard University Asia Center
2015-9-7 出版日期
1160 頁數
USD 49.50 價格
9780674088467 圖書編碼

Chinese History 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 工具書  海外中國研究  學術史  曆史  中國曆史  Wilkinson_Endymion   

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Chinese History 在線電子書 用戶評價


作者原話“The fourth edition will be the final print edition. How long it takes to complete an XML web edition is not yet known, but it will take some time. Once we have a web edition moving to an app is relatively simple.”


作者原話“The fourth edition will be the final print edition. How long it takes to complete an XML web edition is not yet known, but it will take some time. Once we have a web edition moving to an app is relatively simple.”


作者原話“The fourth edition will be the final print edition. How long it takes to complete an XML web edition is not yet known, but it will take some time. Once we have a web edition moving to an app is relatively simple.”


作者原話“The fourth edition will be the final print edition. How long it takes to complete an XML web edition is not yet known, but it will take some time. Once we have a web edition moving to an app is relatively simple.”


作者原話“The fourth edition will be the final print edition. How long it takes to complete an XML web edition is not yet known, but it will take some time. Once we have a web edition moving to an app is relatively simple.”

Chinese History 在線電子書 著者簡介

魏根深(Endymion Wilkinson),學者—外交官,在東京、布魯塞爾、曼榖、北京任職30餘年,1994—2001年間任歐盟駐中國、濛古國大使,現為哈佛大學費正清中心研究員,北京大學中國古代史研究中心兼職研究員。緻力於中日曆史研究,著有Studies in Chinese Price History, 1980; Japan Versus the West, 1990等。

Chinese History 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Chinese History 在線電子書 圖書描述

Endymion Wilkinson’s bestselling manual of Chinese history has long been an indispensable guide to all those interested in the civilization and history of China. The hugely enlarged third edition won the Stanislas Julien Prize for 2014. In the fourth edition the entire work has been corrected and updated and many sections rewritten.

Fifteen years in the making, Chinese History introduces students to different types of transmitted, excavated, and artifactual sources from prehistory to the twenty-first century. It also examines the context in which the sources were produced, preserved, and received, the problems of research and interpretation associated with them, and the best, most up-to-date secondary works. Because history has always played a central role in Chinese politics and culture, special attention is devoted to the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese historiography.

Chinese History comprises fourteen book-length parts subdivided into a total of seventy-six chapters: Books 1–9 cover Language; People; Geography and the Environment; Governing and Educating; Ideas and Beliefs, Literature, and the Fine Arts; Agriculture, Food, and Drink; Technology and Science; Trade; and Historiography. Books 10–13 present primary and secondary sources chronologically by period. Book 14 is on historical bibliography. Electronic resources are covered throughout.

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Chinese History 在線電子書 讀後感


中国文化如浩瀚大海,成为“中国通”是很多老外的梦想,不过“大山”不能朝夕炼成。泱泱中华,博大精深,怎样才能跨进门槛、化身达人呢? 《中国历史研究手册》是哈佛大学研究生教材、欧美汉学研究必读书目,以及中国历史文化研究者重要的案头参考书。英国学者魏根深...  


中国文化如浩瀚大海,成为“中国通”是很多老外的梦想,不过“大山”不能朝夕炼成。泱泱中华,博大精深,怎样才能跨进门槛、化身达人呢? 《中国历史研究手册》是哈佛大学研究生教材、欧美汉学研究必读书目,以及中国历史文化研究者重要的案头参考书。英国学者魏根深...  




中国文化如浩瀚大海,成为“中国通”是很多老外的梦想,不过“大山”不能朝夕炼成。泱泱中华,博大精深,怎样才能跨进门槛、化身达人呢? 《中国历史研究手册》是哈佛大学研究生教材、欧美汉学研究必读书目,以及中国历史文化研究者重要的案头参考书。英国学者魏根深...  


是一本了解历史知识、查找资料、进行国际对比的工具书。 作者强调了资料多、视角广,我觉得在这两方面做得不错,但可能是因为中英语言差异,翻译过来文字不够精炼。 目录分类上也有些难理解之处。不过在看历史资料、小说时,把它作为工具书,踩着这个基础去看,可以事半功倍。 ...

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