Pedigree 在线电子书 图书标签: 教育 社会学 精英体制 美国 求职 职场 咨询 經濟學
Pedigree 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
这是我取过最俗套的标题了:哈佛社会学家教你进顶级投行/咨询/律所。书是值得一看的,看看这些EPS firms要招什么人、怎么招以及背后的企业文化。
评分这是我取过最俗套的标题了:哈佛社会学家教你进顶级投行/咨询/律所。书是值得一看的,看看这些EPS firms要招什么人、怎么招以及背后的企业文化。
评分听了Rivera来法学院panel之后买了, 真是一本神书剖析美国职场的种种implicit biases, 太后悔没有早在EIW之前看到...
Lauren A. Rivera is associate professor of management and organizations at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.
Americans are taught to believe that upward mobility is possible for anyone who is willing to work hard, regardless of their social status, yet it is often those from affluent backgrounds who land the best jobs. Pedigree takes readers behind the closed doors of top-tier investment banks, consulting firms, and law firms to reveal the truth about who really gets hired for the nation's highest-paying entry-level jobs, who doesn’t, and why.
Drawing on scores of in-depth interviews as well as firsthand observation of hiring practices at some of America’s most prestigious firms, Lauren Rivera shows how, at every step of the hiring process, the ways that employers define and evaluate merit are strongly skewed to favor job applicants from economically privileged backgrounds. She reveals how decision makers draw from ideas about talent—what it is, what best signals it, and who does (and does not) have it—that are deeply rooted in social class. Displaying the "right stuff" that elite employers are looking for entails considerable amounts of economic, social, and cultural resources on the part of the applicants and their parents.
Challenging our most cherished beliefs about college as a great equalizer and the job market as a level playing field, Pedigree exposes the class biases built into American notions about the best and the brightest, and shows how social status plays a significant role in determining who reaches the top of the economic ladder.
最上层1%的群体足以对整个社会面貌和政治经济秩序产生重大影响。这个超级财富阶层必然有他们自己的教育选择,因为他们需要通过教育将其财富体面地传递到下一代。 社会顶层的这1%到底是怎么筛选、如何培养?最近广西师大出版社即将出版的《出身:不平等的选拔与精英阶层的自我复...
评分在美国能进入一流投资银行、管理咨询公司、律师事务所这类公司的人就是精英阶层,收入是全美家庭的前10%,薪水是从事其他工作毕业生的2-4倍。 虽然在理论上所有人都可以参加竞争,但实际上,仍然只有少数表现出与特权身份有关的高地位符号的人才能进入这些利润丰厚、令人艳羡的...
评分去精英公司面试,考察能力是一方面,其实面试官作为精英阶层的守门人,更看重的是你能不能融入圈子,毕竟谁也不想和气场不符的人共事。“精英们”所崇尚的品质就是,这群人照着镜子认为自己所具有的品质。 此书更实际的意义在于指导了如何能进入这些精英公司。要让面试官觉得你...
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