The Mind Illuminated 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2024

The Mind Illuminated

Jeremy Graves 作者
Dharma Treasure Press
2015-10-6 出版日期
504 页数
GBP 18.60 价格
9780990847700 图书编码

The Mind Illuminated 在线电子书 图书标签: 冥想  佛教  心理学  禅修  佛学  脑科学  科学打坐  正念   

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The Mind Illuminated 在线电子书 用户评价


有声书和纸书都买了, 大概听完一遍, 不够,还是需要继续看书, 10个层次类似变化的10牛图所描述的, 书中用的是大象猴子和僧侣个代表不同的心和其他“archetypes?”. 不足的地方?他说地那一块应该很全面了, 没说的, 不是不知道, 而是没必要说, 不过就整个系统的框架, 缺的是布施和戒, 还有慈心,等 这些, 书里应该没提到, 但是书里说了到了一定地步就需要找老师, 如果有个善知识, 欠缺的带来瓶颈也可以及时解决。




full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake. 但后来坚持不下去了,见书评


full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake. 但后来坚持不下去了,见书评



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The Mind Illuminated 在线电子书 图书描述

Providing step-by-step guidance for every stage of the meditation path, this uniquely comprehensive guide for a Western audience combines the wisdom from the teachings of the Buddha with the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Clear and friendly, this in-depth practice manual builds on the nine-stage model of meditation originally articulated by the ancient Indian sage Asanga, crystallizing the entire meditative journey into 10 clearly-defined stages. The book also introduces a new and fascinating model of how the mind works, and uses illustrations and charts to help the reader work through each stage. This manual is an essential read for the beginner to the seasoned veteran of meditation and can be read from front to back, or used as a reference guide, choosing chapters as needed based on the current state of the reader’s practice.

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The Mind Illuminated 在线电子书 读后感


记得我开始看这本书的时候豆瓣上几乎没人标记,当初在短评里写的是 “full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake.” 现在已经好多好评了…… Update: 有人在短评里面似乎针对我做了回复,...  


为了让更多人了解TMI系统,我写了一篇日志介绍作者和他的这部作品。 这篇书评是我从自己的日志里搬过来的,原地址: Upasaka Culadasa(Upasaka, 优婆塞,居士的意思) ,本名John Yates,有一套自创禅修体系的老师。他的系统被简称为T...


记得我开始看这本书的时候豆瓣上几乎没人标记,当初在短评里写的是 “full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake.” 现在已经好多好评了…… Update: 有人在短评里面似乎针对我做了回复,...  


为了让更多人了解TMI系统,我写了一篇日志介绍作者和他的这部作品。 这篇书评是我从自己的日志里搬过来的,原地址: Upasaka Culadasa(Upasaka, 优婆塞,居士的意思) ,本名John Yates,有一套自创禅修体系的老师。他的系统被简称为T...


记得我开始看这本书的时候豆瓣上几乎没人标记,当初在短评里写的是 “full of detailed instructions. it seems the author has the esper to sense when and how you will get stuck or make a mistake.” 现在已经好多好评了…… Update: 有人在短评里面似乎针对我做了回复,...  

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