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The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6

Jagdish Mehra 作者
2002-1-17 出版日期
5059 页数
USD 520.00 价格
9780387952628 图书编码

The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6 在线电子书 图书标签: 量子力学史  量子力学  物理学史  物理  全面详细的量子力学史  科学史  科学人文  数学   

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The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6 在线电子书 用户评价


内容全面,而且可以作为Archives for the History of Quantum Physics的一个很好的小缩编。


内容全面,而且可以作为Archives for the History of Quantum Physics的一个很好的小缩编。


内容全面,而且可以作为Archives for the History of Quantum Physics的一个很好的小缩编。


内容全面,而且可以作为Archives for the History of Quantum Physics的一个很好的小缩编。


内容全面,而且可以作为Archives for the History of Quantum Physics的一个很好的小缩编。

The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6 在线电子书 著者简介

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The Historical Development of Quantum Theory 1-6 在线电子书 图书描述

Quantum Theory, together with the principles of special and general relativity, constitute a scientific revolution that has profoundly influenced the way in which we think about the universe and the fundamental forces that govern it. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory is a definitive historical study of that scientific work and the human struggles that accompanied it from the beginning. Drawing upon such materials as the resources of the Archives for the History of Quantum Physics, the Niels Bohr Archives, and the archives and scientific correspondence of the principal quantum physicists, as well as Jagdish Mehra's personal discussions over many years with most of the architects of quantum theory, the authors have written a rigorous scientific history of quantum theory in a deeply human context. This multivolume work presents a rich account of an intellectual triumph: a unique analysis of the creative scientific process. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory is science, history, and biography, all wrapped in the story of a great human enterprise. Its lessons will be an aid to those working in the sciences and humanities alike.

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