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Machines Like Me

Ian McEwan 作者
Jonathan Cape
2019-4-18 出版日期
272 頁數
GBP 18.99 價格
9781787331662 圖書編碼

Machines Like Me 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Ian-McEwan  小說  英文原版  英國文學  英國  科幻  文學  長篇小說   

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Nothing is more human than moral inconsistency.


麥剋尤恩去年齣版的新小說( 疑惑為何遲遲未齣中文版。內容聚焦上世紀阿蘭圖靈的時代,敘述人與AI共生的選擇,同時夾雜大量對英國社會的思考、對脫歐的影射。時空倒置,以及麥剋尤恩拒絕承認這是一本科幻,倒讓整本小說有瞭一種“the past is extinct”的懷舊感。另外語言上不愧是老寫手瞭,措辭風格都很特彆。


某天在聽經濟學人的podcast,那期正好請瞭Ian McEwan來談他的新書。作為他的粉絲,不得不把書找來。書翻完後,確實補充瞭些對於AI的延伸想象。從一直以來知道些皮毛的algorithm,machine learning,到近兩年對於機器人進入就業市場的對其徵稅的熱議話題,AI正在進入我們的視野,但他們是否有conscious,這部分還是空白。我想,就像曾經說學會使用工具是人和動物的區彆那般,是否有consciousness是否會是人和AI的區彆呢?




Adam具有人的特徵 能說會道 會打扮會作詩會錶達愛 還會賺錢 但也有非人的時刻 比如他不會隱藏真相 不會為瞭一己私利掩埋罪惡 可能也是一代人對完美期許的理想人物 賺取更多的錢是為瞭讓Charlie快樂 結果事與願違 真實人類的貪婪最終導緻他的毀滅 棄兒Mark對於他們生活的參與 喚起瞭Charlie對新生命到來的思考 映襯瞭他應該對A負責 也驗證瞭圖靈的說法 A或許也應該被當人一樣尊重 機器與人各自都有不完美

Machines Like Me 在線電子書 著者簡介

Machines Like Me 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Machines Like Me 在線電子書 圖書描述

Britain has lost the Falklands war, Margaret Thatcher battles Tony Benn for power and Alan Turing achieves a breakthrough in artificial intelligence. In a world not quite like this one, two lovers will be tested beyond their understanding.

Machines Like Me occurs in an alternative 1980s London. Charlie, drifting through life and dodging full-time employment, is in love with Miranda, a bright student who lives with a terrible secret. When Charlie comes into money, he buys Adam, one of the first batch of synthetic humans. With Miranda’s assistance, he co-designs Adam’s personality. This near-perfect human is beautiful, strong and clever – a love triangle soon forms. These three beings will confront a profound moral dilemma. Ian McEwan’s subversive and entertaining new novel poses fundamental questions: what makes us human? Our outward deeds or our inner lives? Could a machine understand the human heart? This provocative and thrilling tale warns of the power to invent things beyond our control.

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Machines Like Me 在線電子書 讀後感


Ian McEwan’s command of the English language and his skills for storytelling still shines through in this latest novel. However there are just a few too many issues and themes this story tries to cover (as the Guardian review also notes) - consciousness, t...


Ian McEwan’s command of the English language and his skills for storytelling still shines through in this latest novel. However there are just a few too many issues and themes this story tries to cover (as the Guardian review also notes) - consciousness, t...


Ian McEwan’s command of the English language and his skills for storytelling still shines through in this latest novel. However there are just a few too many issues and themes this story tries to cover (as the Guardian review also notes) - consciousness, t...


Ian McEwan’s command of the English language and his skills for storytelling still shines through in this latest novel. However there are just a few too many issues and themes this story tries to cover (as the Guardian review also notes) - consciousness, t...


Ian McEwan’s command of the English language and his skills for storytelling still shines through in this latest novel. However there are just a few too many issues and themes this story tries to cover (as the Guardian review also notes) - consciousness, t...

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