Outliers 在线电子书 图书标签: 成功 思维 心理学 社会学 MalcolmGladwell 英文原版 社会科学 心智
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评分#A brilliant book unfolding the secrets of the Outliers. It gave me goosebumps in a strange way.
The Tipping Point,《引爆点》
In this wide-ranging third installment of Malcolm Gladwell's exploration of how people and social phenomena work, the New Yorker journalist takes a close look at what constitutes high levels of success. That is, what makes people at the top of their respective fields get there? As we've come to expect from Gladwell's previous books, the answer to the question is a bit complicated.
He says that upbringing, culture and even random luck have something to with success, but there is another important quality that anyone can control. Two chapters are dedicated to the "revelation" that IQ is only a baseline quality and success has little to nothing to do with having a high IQ or a low IQ. Rather, success is substantially a product of cultivating a high degree of what Robert Sternberg calls "practical intelligence" or what most refer to as "emotional intelligence."
Gladwell uses the example of Nobel laureates coming from unknown schools as often as ivy league schools. At this level of mastery IQ is no longer a factor. Success has little to do with where you were educated and everything to do with your level of practical/emotional intelligence and willingness to put in the 10,000 hours of practice required to reach mastery of your field.
All in all, it's an interesting read that isn't too heady and goes by pretty quickly, as the interesting anecdotes are what you would expect from Gladwell.
这是一本关于“成功学”的书,确实成功学中的异类!作者对成功途径的寻找在百万成功学中寻找到了一个外在的突破:成功并不仅仅只是单凭个人努力就可以实现的。 作者提到了一个目前广为人知的关键:10000小时的精细化训练和努力。在这一点上,作者提到比尔盖茨的例子,提到夹克...
评分这是一本关于“成功学”的书,确实成功学中的异类!作者对成功途径的寻找在百万成功学中寻找到了一个外在的突破:成功并不仅仅只是单凭个人努力就可以实现的。 作者提到了一个目前广为人知的关键:10000小时的精细化训练和努力。在这一点上,作者提到比尔盖茨的例子,提到夹克...
评分两年前的一天,美国国会就科技人才问题举行专场听证会。台上十几位众议员提问,台下只比尔-盖茨一人作答。我当时也跑去旁听,座位正对着盖茨的后背。望着他那普普通通的后脑勺,我一个劲琢磨:“凭什么这家伙这么富,我这么穷?” 比尔盖茨的成功奥秘 恐怕世界上每个人见到...
评分这是一本研究如何成功的书,分析了成功的背后那些常被人忽略的因素,具体分析了这些因素是如何发挥作用的。 书分两大部分。第一部分讲机遇,说明机遇在人的成功中起到的决定性作用,这些机遇包括时代的、社会转型和家庭环境等方面。第二部分讲文化传承对人的影响,分析了不同...
评分阅读《Outliers》的过程中,我一直在反复的思考这个问题,我究竟为何要读这样一本书? 因为10000小时法则?这是学者好久之前就调查出来的结论。除此之外还有什么?看作者如何鼓吹英才教育的重要性?如果你家境不是太好,你他妈的就直接出局了?如果你出生的年代不好,也可以直...
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