The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West

Max Weber 作者
Oxford University Press.
Stephen Kalberg 譯者
2009 出版日期
600 頁數
GBP 16.99 價格
9780195332537 圖書編碼

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 韋伯  社會學  enthic  Weber  Max  英文原著  社會學人類學政治學  with   

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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 著者簡介

The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism with other writings on the rise of the West / Max Weber ; translated and introduced by Stephen Kalberg.

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 圖書描述


"For more than 100 years, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism has set the parameters for the debate over the origins of modern capitalism. Now more timely and thought-provoking than ever, this esteemed classic of twentieth-century social science examines the deep cultural "frame of mind" that influences work life to this day in northern America and Western Europe. Stephen Kalberg's internationally acclaimed translation captures the essence of Weber's style as well as the subtlety of his descriptions and causal arguments." "Now, for the first time in one volume, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West integrates Weber's exploration of the spirit of capitalism's origins with his larger project: a multi-causal analysis of the West's distinctiveness and its sources."--BOOK JACKET.




General Introduction Max Weber and the Modern West

1 The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1

Introduction to the Translation / Stephen Kalberg 3

Introduction to The Protestant Ethic / Stephen Kalberg 7

Pt. I The Problem

Ch. I Religious Affiliation and Social Stratification 61

Ch. II The Spirit of Capitalism 69

Ch. III Luther's Conception of the Calling 89

Pt. II The Vocational Ethic of Ascetic Protestantism

Ch. IV The Religious Foundations of This-Worldly Asceticism 101

Ch. V Asceticism and the Spirit of Capitalism 141

2 The Protestant Sects in America and the Uniqueness of Western Rationalism 161

Introduction / Stephen Kalberg 163

I The Protestant Sects and the Spirit of Capitalism 185

II "Churches" and "Sects" in North America: An Ecclesiastical Sociopolitical Sketch 200

III Prefatory Remarks to Collected Essays in the Sociology of Religion (1920) 205

3 Demarcating the Uniqueness of the West Through Comparisons: Magic and the Economic Ethics of the World Religions 221

Introduction / Stephen Kalberg 223

I Main Concepts: Economic Ethics, Social Carriers, Sacred Law, and the Ethic of Conviction 238

II India: Hinduism and Buddhism 257

III China: Confucianism 268

IV Confucianism and Puritanism 275

V Judaism 290

VI The Middle East: Islam 300

VII The West: Ancient Christianity and Catholicism 304

4 The Rise of Modern Capitalism: The Western Rationalism and Modern Western Rationalism Deep Contexts 311

Introduction / Stephen Kalberg 313

I Comparative Cases: China and India 349

II The Ancient and Medieval Cities in the West: Fraternization, Incorporation, and the Dissolution of Clan Ties 370

III The Putting-Out System, Modes of Financing, Mercantilism, and the Factory 377

IV The Definition of Modern Capitalism, and the Relationship of Feudalism and Patrimonialism to Capitalism 392

V The West's Cross-State Competition versus Hierocracy and Caesaropapism 397

VI Juridical Formalism and the Rational State 400

VII Ethos and Education under Feudalism and Patrimonialism, Clerical Education, and the Puritans' Mass Intellectualism 407

VIII The Sect, Democracy, Tolerance, Freedom of Conscience, and a Cosmos of Abstract Norms 413

IX Bureaucratization, Democracy, and Modern Capitalism 416

X The Impersonality of the Market and Discipline in the Modern Capitalist Factory 426

App. I Weber's Summary Statements on "The Protestant Ethic Thesis" 431

App. II Reading The Protestant Ethic. The Text and the Endnotes 449

App. III Suggested Further Reading 455

Notes for The Protestant Ethic 458

Literature Cited 553

Acknowledgments 556

A Chronology of Max Weber's Life 557

Glossary 560

Name Index 571

Subject Index 575

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The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism with Other Writings on the Rise of the West 在線電子書 讀後感




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理性的吊诡 ——读《新教伦理与资本主义精神》 记得潘小松在《随便翻翻的从容》中曾说:“假如不是职业的逼迫,我以为读书的最佳状态是兴之所至、随心所欲随便翻翻:这是鲁迅先生半个多世纪前就倡导过的。”[i]读书不多,却也喜欢随性子读书,不愿受着太多目的的束缚。但碰到经...  


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