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The Art of Photography

Bruce Barnbaum 作者
Rocky Nook
2010-12-8 出版日期
364 頁數
USD 44.95 價格
9781933952680 圖書編碼

The Art of Photography 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 攝影  photography  藝術  美國  Photography  攝影理論   

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The Art of Photography 在線電子書 著者簡介

Bruce Barnbaum, of Granite Falls, WA, entered photography as a hobbyist in the 1960s, and after four decades, it is still his hobby. It has also been his life's work for the past 30 years.

Bruce's educational background includes Bachelor's and Master's degrees in mathematics from UCLA. After working for several years as a mathematical analyst and computer programmer for missile guidance systems, he abruptly left the field and turned to photography.

Bruce has authored several books, some of which have become classics. The Art of Photography was first published in 1994 and remained in print until 2007. Bruce has been self-publishing the book ever since, but with limited distribution (until now).

Bruce is a frequent contributor to several photography magazines. His series "The Master Printing Class" is featured in each issue of Photo Techniques, and his articles are published regularly in LensWork. Through his workshops, articles, lectures, books, and innovative photography, Bruce has become a well-known and highly-respected photographer, educator, and pioneer.

Bruce is recognized as one of the finest darkroom printers on this planet, both for his exceptional black and white work, as well as for his color imagery. He understands light to an extent rarely found, and combines this understanding with a mastery of composition, applying his knowledge to an extraordinarily wide range of subject matter. His work is represented by more than ten galleries throughout the United States and Canada, and is in the collections of museums and private collectors worldwide.

Bruce has been an active environmental advocate for more than three decades, both independently and through his involvement and leadership with organizations such as the Sierra Club, the National Audubon Society, the Stillaguamish Citizens' Alliance, 1000 Friends of Washington, and the North Cascades Conservation Council.

The Art of Photography 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Art of Photography 在線電子書 圖書描述

This is an updated and newly revised edition of the classic book The Art of Photography (originally published in 1994), which has often been described as the most readable, understandable, and complete textbook on photography. With well over 100 beautiful photographic illustrations in both black-and-white and color, as well as numerous charts, graphs, and tables, this book presents the world of photography to beginner, intermediate, and advanced photographers seeking to make a personal statement through the medium of photography. Without talking down to anyone, or talking over anyone's head, Barnbaum presents "how to" techniques for both traditional and digital approaches. Yet he goes well beyond the technical, as he delves deeply into the philosophical, expressive, and creative aspects of photography so often avoided in other books.

Bruce Barnbaum is recognized as one of the world's finest landscape and architectural photographers, and for decades has been considered one of the best instructors in the field of photography. This latest incarnation of his textbook, which has evolved, grown, and been refined over the past 35 years, will prove to be an ongoing, invaluable photographic reference for years to come. It is truly the resource of choice for the thinking photographer.

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The Art of Photography 在線電子書 讀後感


很实在的一本指导书。尤其是关于构图的定义,值得好好琢磨。 摄影的门槛看起来很低,但要拍出好照片,需要大量实践和思考——思考的重要性并不比实践低,拍照不能只靠感觉,而感觉本身也依赖于认知和思想。表达认知,还需要技术。 部分观点摘录如下—— 摄影是非语汇性交流的一...  



(一)感想 拍摄时,应该思考的东西:想拍什么?怎样才能拍出想要的效果? 简单的记录就是:主题,背景,构图比例和光影。色彩线条形状可做练习。 我喜欢捕捉动态的照片(有一定的肢体语言:展翅飞翔的鸟、撒沙子的男孩、有感染力的笑容) 机位、镜头、裁剪、快门时间、曝光时...  


(一)感想 拍摄时,应该思考的东西:想拍什么?怎样才能拍出想要的效果? 简单的记录就是:主题,背景,构图比例和光影。色彩线条形状可做练习。 我喜欢捕捉动态的照片(有一定的肢体语言:展翅飞翔的鸟、撒沙子的男孩、有感染力的笑容) 机位、镜头、裁剪、快门时间、曝光时...  


这是一本有意思的书,中途我一直想放弃读,有几章是我不能理解的,这本书对我来讲是拓展自己的,我不是这个专业的,索性就大概浏览过了一遍。 这是一本那个年代的书籍,比我生的早,这是一本现代的书籍,思想前卫,值得被记录下来,过时的是那个时代的器械,思想是没法过时的。...  

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