目 錄
第一章 私塾—學堂—留洋…………………………………………………………………/1
第一節 良好的傢境……………………………………………………………………/2
第二節 私塾啓濛………………………………………………………………………/3
第三節 新式學堂的收獲………………………………………………………………/6
第四節 直麵革命………………………………………………………………………/15
第五節 日本——留學的新選擇………………………………………………………/20
第六節 魚龍混雜、少有學成的留日學生群體………………………………………/24
第七節 留日學生中的精英……………………………………………………………/26
第二章 櫻花國度的十年……………………………………………………………………/33
第一節 創造社群體與日本大正時期都市社會………………………………………/36
第二節 創造社群體的留日心結與創作基調…………………………………………/44
第三節 創造社群體“人”的發現與近代日本社會…………………………………/50
第四節 創造社的愛情婚姻觀與大正時期婦女解放思潮……………………………/57
第五節 創造社與文化主義思潮盛行的大正文化界…………………………………/66
第六節 留日群中一個新知識群體的形成……………………………………………/74
第三章 創造社接受外來文化的過程及特點………………………………………………/79
第一節 日本文化界的媒介作用………………………………………………………/79
第二節 19世紀西方浪漫主義文學中的“人”與創造社……………………………/88
第三節 18世紀西方啓濛主義文學的“人”與創造社………………………………/96
第四節 《黃麵誌》的年輕“人”與創造社…………………………………………/104
第五節 創造社與俄國作傢屠格涅夫…………………………………………………/106
第六節 歐洲世紀末文藝思潮與創造社………………………………………………/113
第四章 大正時期文學界對創造社的直接影響……………………………………………/119
第一節 大正時期的私小說與創造社的小說創作……………………………………/119
第二節 大正時期歐洲最新文藝熱潮與創造社新浪漫主義文藝觀的建立…………/123
第三節 大正唯美派文學與創造社文學觀唯美傾嚮的形成…………………………/129
第五章 前期創業的成就與艱難……………………………………………………………/139
第一節 留學日本最美的收獲——創造社的成立……………………………………/139
第二節 叢書刊物及特色………………………………………………………………/145
第三節 “藝術至上”的文學思想……………………………………………………/162
第四節 主流創作:浪漫主義風格的詩歌戲劇與感傷抒情小說……………………/172
第五節 非主流創作:張資平的寫實風格小說………………………………………/184
第六節 繁重的事務睏窘的生活——與泰東圖書局的微妙關係……………………/188
第七節 在巨大的陰影下謀生存——對文學研究會的抗爭…………………………/197
第八節 四麵齣擊多方樹敵——兼論成仿吾的文藝批評理論………………………/207
第六章 創造社的捲土重來與解散…………………………………………………………/217
第一節 創造社歸來……………………………………………………………………/217
第二節 一個重大的舉措——創造社齣版部的成立…………………………………/219
第三節 重新恢復後創造社的作品及特色……………………………………………/224
第四節 從浪漫到寫實的多元化創作…………………………………………………/230
第五節 存舊圖新的文藝思想:從藝術至上到革命文學……………………………/239
第六節 郭沫若的個案分析……………………………………………………………/246
第七節 思想的分歧與原因……………………………………………………………/250
第八節 鬱達夫的脫社和創造社知識群體的解體……………………………………/255
第九節 昔日老友 相隔天涯…………………………………………………………/259
附錄一 與同時期英美留學群中的新月派知識群體的比較研究…………………………/266
附錄二 創造社大事簡編……………………………………………………………………/277
Chapter 1 Old-style private school—school—studying abroad ............./1
1.Favourable family surroundings ...................................../2
2.Initiation at old-style private school ............................./3
3.Merits of the new-style school ...................................../6
4.Face the revolution ................................................/15
5.Japan-a new choice of studying abroad ............................../20
6.A mixed bunch of students studying and achieving little in Japan .../24
7.Elite among students studying in Japan ............................./26
Chapter 2 Ten years in the cherry-blossoming country ..................../33
1.Members of the Creation Society and the urban society
in Taisho times ................................................../36
2.The complex of studying in Japan mood and the keynote
of the Creation Society ........................................../44
3.A discovery of “humanity” by the Creation group and
modern Japanese society ........................................../50
4.Conception of love and marriage of the Creation
Society and the tide of women’s emancipation in Taisho times ..../57
5.The Creation Society and culturism pervading in Taisho times ......./66
6.The formation of a group with new knowledge
among students studying in Japan ................................./74
Chapter 3 The process and features of receiving foreign
literature by the Creation Society .........................../79
1.The intermediary effects of Japanese literary circles ............../79
2.“Humanity” in western romantic literature from the
19th century and the Creation Society ............................/88
3.“Humanity” in western Enlightenment literature
from the 18th century and the Creation Society .................../96
4.The young “human being” of “the yellow book”
and the Creation Society ........................................./104
5.The Creation Society and Russian writer Turgenev .................../106
6.European fin de siècle literary school and
the Creation Society ............................................./113
Chapter 4 Direct impacts of literary circles in Taisho times
on the Creation Society ....................................../119
1.Private fiction in Taisho times and fiction writing
by the Creation Society ........................................../119
2.Latest European literary and artistic tides in Taisho
times and the establishing of neo-romantic literary view
of the Creation Society ........................................../123
3.Literary aestheticism in Taisho times and the forming
of aesthetic tendency of the Creation Society ..................../129
Chapter 5 Achievements and hardships in early times ...................../139
1.The best gain when studying in Japan—the founding
of the Creation Society ........................................../139
2.Book series, magazines and their features ........................../145
3.The literary idea of “art for art′s sake” ......................./162
4.Mainstream writing: romantic poems and dramas,
sentimental and lyrical fiction ................................../172
5.Non-mainstream writing: realistic fiction by Zhang Ziping ........../184
6.Onerous errands and living in a plight—the subtle
relation with Taidong Publishing House .........................../188
7.Making a living in enormous shadow—struggling
against the Literary Studies Society ............................./197
8.Attacking on all fronts and antagonizing in all directions-on
literary and art criticism of Cheng Fangwu ......................./207
Chapter 6 The coming back and disbanding of the Creation Society ......../217
1.The return of the Creation Society ................................./217
2.A major measure—the establishing of the publishing
department of the Creation Society .............................../219
3.The publications and their features of the restored Creation Society/224
4.Pluralistic writing from romanticism to realism ..................../230
5.The literary thought of keeping the old and planning the new:
from “art for art′s sake” to revolutionary literature ........./239
6.A case study of Guo Moruo ........................................../246
7.Discrepancies in mind and their causes ............................./250
8.Yu Dafu′s departure from the Creation Society ...................../255
9. Old friends far apart ............................................./259
Appendix 1 A comparative study of the Crescent intellectual
group of students studying in Britain and the U.S. .........../266
Appendix 2 Glossary of major events of the Creation Society ............./277
References .............................................................../283
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