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The Transformation of Intimacy

Anthony Giddens 作者
Stanford University Press
1993-10-1 出版日期
216 頁數
USD 25.95 價格
9780804722148 圖書編碼

The Transformation of Intimacy 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 社會學  Sociology  文化研究  親密關係的變革  Sexuality  性彆研究  吉登斯  社會學   

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I believe in romantic love









The Transformation of Intimacy 在線電子書 著者簡介

安東尼·吉登斯(Anthony Giddens),英國著名社會理論傢和社會學傢,劍橋皇傢學院院士、倫敦經濟政治學院院長、前劍橋大學社會學教授和研究員。

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The Transformation of Intimacy 在線電子書 圖書描述

The sexual revolution: an evocative term, but what meaning can be given to it today? How does "sexuality" come into being, and what connections does it have with the changes that have affected personal life more generally? In answering these questions, the author disputes many of the dominant interpretations of the role of sexuality in modern culture. The author suggests that the revolutionary changes in which sexuality has become cauth up are more long-term than generally conceded. He sees them as intrinsic to the development of modern societies as a whole and to the broad characteristics of that development. Sexuality as we know it today is a creation of modernity, a terrain upon which the contradictory tendencies of modern social life play themselves out in full. Emancipation and oppression, opportunity and risk--these have become a part of a heady mix that irresistably ties our individual lives to global outcomes and the transformation of intimacy. We live today in a social order in which, for the first time in histroy, women are becoming equal to men--or at least have lodged a claim to such equality as their right. The author does not attempt to analyze the gender inequalities that persist in the economic or political domains, but instead concentrates on a more hisdden personal area in which women--ordinary women, in the course of their day-to-day lives, quite apart from any political agenda--have pioneered changes of greate, and generalizable, importance. These changes essentially concern an exploration of the potentialities of the "pure relationship," a relaitonship that presumes sexual and emotional equality, and is explosive in its connotations for pre-existing relations of power. The author analyzes the emergence of what he calls plastic sexuality--sexuality freed from its intrinsic relation to reproduction--in terms of the emotional emancipation implicit in the pure relationship, as well as women's claim to sexual pleasure. Plastic sexuality is decentered sexuality, freed from both reproduction and subservience to a fixed object. It can be molded as a trait of personality, and thus become bound up with the reflexivity of the self. Premised on plastic sexuality, the pure relationship is not exclusively heterosexual; it is neutral in terms of sexual orientation. The author speculates that the transformaion of intimacy might be a subversive influence on modern institutions as a whole, for a social world in which the dominant ideal was to achieve intinsic rewards from the company of others might be vastly different from that which we know at the present.

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The Transformation of Intimacy 在線電子書 讀後感


Cha.1 Everyday Experiments, Relationships, Sexuality 0、主要內容: 借由個人情感方式的轉變探討轉變中的社會性別關係(相互作用)。 這種整體性轉變對個人的愛情觀、性愛觀、婚姻、家庭形式的影響(使得以婚姻為訴求的情感關係,轉變為“親密關係”為主的情感關係。...  



从中获得一种纯粹性。这一分离的基础是现代避孕技术。但是,这一技术的可靠性非常值得怀疑,只要问问妇产科医生就知道这一技术的风险。而男女两性对于这一风险的承担则是相当不平等的。众所周知初次堕胎对于女性的生育能力的影响,而这几乎就是她mate value的主要组成部分。而...  


从中获得一种纯粹性。这一分离的基础是现代避孕技术。但是,这一技术的可靠性非常值得怀疑,只要问问妇产科医生就知道这一技术的风险。而男女两性对于这一风险的承担则是相当不平等的。众所周知初次堕胎对于女性的生育能力的影响,而这几乎就是她mate value的主要组成部分。而...  



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