Beowulf 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 史詩 詩歌 英國文學 英國 外國文學 epic Seamus_Heaney 中世紀和更早
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評分read only the modern English translation
評分很怡人的翻譯, Seamus Heaney 本是諾貝爾詩人
謝默斯·希尼(Seamus Heaney,1939—2013)愛爾蘭詩人。生於愛爾蘭北部德裏郡毛斯邦縣一個虔信天主教、世代務農的傢庭。希尼不僅是詩人,還是一位詩學專傢。1995年獲得諾貝爾文學奬。他的諾貝爾奬演講《歸功於詩》(Crediting Poetry,1996)也是一篇重要詩論。他還寫過一個劇本。希尼把古英語史詩《貝奧武夫》(Beowulf,2000)譯成現代英語,轟動一時。是公認的當今世界最好的英語詩人和天纔的文學批評傢。希尼自小接受正規的英國教育,1961年以第一名的優異成績畢業於貝爾法斯特女王大學英文係。畢業後當過一年中學教師,同時大量閱讀愛爾蘭和英國的現代詩歌,從中尋找將英國文學傳統和德裏郡鄉間生活經曆結閤起來的途徑。1966年,以詩集《一位自然主義者之死》一舉成名。1966年到1972年,希尼在母校任現代文學講師,親曆瞭北愛爾蘭天主教徒為爭取公民權舉行示威而引起的暴亂。2013年8月30日,愛爾蘭詩人謝默斯·希尼逝世,終年74歲。
New York Times bestseller and winner of the Whitbread Award.
Composed toward the end of the first millennium, Beowulf is the elegiac narrative of the adventures of Beowulf, a Scandinavian hero who saves the Danes from the seemingly invincible monster Grendel and, later, from Grendel's mother. He then returns to his own country and dies in old age in a vivid fight against a dragon. The poem is about encountering the monstrous, defeating it, and then having to live on in the exhausted aftermath. In the contours of this story, at once remote and uncannily familiar at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney finds a resonance that summons power to the poetry from deep beneath its surface. Drawn to what he has called the "four-squareness of the utterance" in ?Beowulf? and its immense emotional credibility, Heaney gives these epic qualities new and convincing reality for the contemporary reader.
評分I like this translation a lot. virtually, the modern day English version seems to flow the same way the old English version does. However... the stroyline is too simple, compare to modern myth such lord of the rings or greek myth such as Iliad and Odyssey.
評分Beowulf, the oldest British literature ever discovered, is a heroic myth about the legendary experience of the warrior Beowulf. In Beowulf, the joy of success was transient. In the first battle against Grendel, Beowulf took one arm of Grendel and hung it h...
評分I like this translation a lot. virtually, the modern day English version seems to flow the same way the old English version does. However... the stroyline is too simple, compare to modern myth such lord of the rings or greek myth such as Iliad and Odyssey.
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