A Street Cat Named Bob 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025

A Street Cat Named Bob

James Bowen 作者
Hodder Paperbacks
2012-9-13 出版日期
288 页数
GBP 8.99 价格
9781444737110 图书编码

A Street Cat Named Bob 在线电子书 图书标签: 英文原版    英国  真實故事  动物  治愈系  简简单单爱猫人  温情   

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A Street Cat Named Bob 在线电子书 用户评价


a wonderful story. i kept reading pages by pages every day, just hoped the story will continue for ever... everybody deserves a second chance, and everybody needs a life companion like Bob, no matter your Bob is a pet or a real person. Love them and be thankful for having them to share the saddest or happiest moments in your life.




encountered with u in the most unexpected yet best divine time. companion indeed just like...as if someone had drawn back the curtains and shed some sunlight into life. mark at this special moment @hometown. looking forward to my second chance and then... take it.




a wonderful story. i kept reading pages by pages every day, just hoped the story will continue for ever... everybody deserves a second chance, and everybody needs a life companion like Bob, no matter your Bob is a pet or a real person. Love them and be thankful for having them to share the saddest or happiest moments in your life.

A Street Cat Named Bob 在线电子书 著者简介

James Bowen is a street musician in London. He found Bob the cat in 2007 and the pair have been inseparable ever since.

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A Street Cat Named Bob 在线电子书 图书描述

When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts. A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it.

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一只流浪猫拯救了一个吸毒的流浪汉的暖心故事。 电影好看,Bob 自己演自己。原著传记也很棒,James 从小跟着母亲到处搬家,也很早就辍学了,所以原版读起来没什么困难。用词平实简洁不会太文绉绉,很多内心感受电影里无法表现出来。James 要是没有遇上 Bob,估计还戒不了毒瘾。...


《当XX来敲门》已经是个烂俗的名字,在豆瓣上一搜有十七八本,大多都牵强附会博眼球而已,但《当Bob来敲门》却是个例外。这名字让人脑子浮现出小猫抬起一只爪子用肉垫轻轻拍击的样子,只是想想就心中柔情似水了,预示着要讲一个关于爱的故事。 Bob原本是一只流浪猫,某天突然...  


在我最近一次买书的清单上 这本书名列第一 因为之前看过英文版的宣传 这一次偶然间看到了中文版 而且是两个中文版本中的一个 便决定立刻买下来 原因有二 一是为什么这个故事如此流行,是因为网络的炒作吗 二是这本书看起来非常容易读的样子 果然这本书非常好读 差不多一个小...  

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