Optimization in Economic Theory 在线电子书 图书标签: 经济学 数学 Optimization 经济 数理经济学 经济数学 最优化基础 Economics
Optimization in Economic Theory 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025
too难to读 T T
评分Economic Intuition是这本书的亮点,至于数学嘛,当小说看好了。。。
评分Economic Intuition是这本书的亮点,至于数学嘛,当小说看好了。。。
评分Very handy.
In the new edition of this student text, the author has made substantial revisions and additions to enhance the book's usefulness without destroying its character as a lucid and readable text. Most economics courses separate the teaching of the mathematics of constrained maximization from its economic applications. The aim of this book is to provide an integrated treatment of optimization that relates mathematics to economics from the outset, thus facilitating a quicker and deeper understanding. Proofs of the mathematical therorems are structured to bring out points of economic interest and to enable economic applications. The illustrative examples are also chosen for their economic interest and usefulness and suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. This new edition has been revised to accommodate the siginificant changes the subject has undergone since the publication of the first edition. A chapter on uncertainty has been added with treatment of topics such as finance and asymmetric information, and the chapter on dynamic programmming has been expanded.
评分 评分首先,对于持这种观点的人。我坦白的跟你说,你的经济学研究还停留在比较low的水平上。所谓“下士闻道,大笑之。”所以,跟你讲不明白模型重要还是idea重要的问题。。。你自己去揣摩吧。有人会问:不理解这个问题,有什么要紧吗?如果你不是在学术界,那的确没什么。但如果在经...
评分 评分本书的翻译在目前国内翻译教材的环境来看,应该是还可以的,只有少许印刷错误,对照从人大经济论坛下载的英文版,很容易更正。 本书是本科生学习优化理论的经典教材,不仅将优化理论全都点到,而且方法和公式背后的经济意义讲的很好。还在习题和课后题中渗透了一些基本的建模...
Optimization in Economic Theory 在线电子书 pdf 下载 txt下载 epub 下载 mobi 下载 2025