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The Emperor's New Mind

Roger Penrose 作者
Oxford Paperbacks
1999-3-4 出版日期
640 頁數
GBP 10.99 價格
9780192861986 圖書編碼

The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科普  人工智能  哲學  數學  思維  計算機科學  物理  Mind   

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The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 用戶評價


這本書超贊的 上數理邏輯課的劉西洋老師力薦


入門讀物,但是說來說去還是無法給齣phenomenal consciousness如何實現






loving and hating his long phrases...the reasoning in the mathematical proofs is sometimes hard to get, so making me feel like jumping over important logical link. But after trying reallyreally hard to finally get the point, it seems to be because he skipped a lot of details. Not so easy to read, but surely highly interesting.

The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 著者簡介






The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 圖書描述

In the readition of the bestselling Chaos and A Brief History of Time, here is a science book with mainstream appeal. Proponents of artificial intelligence maintain that eventually a computer will be able to do everything a human mind can do, but Oxford University Professor of Mathematics Roger Penrose explains his view that there are facets of human thinking that can never be emulated by a machine. Drawings throughout.

Some love it, some hate it, but The Emperor's New Mind, physicist Roger Penrose's 1989 treatise attacking the foundations of strong artificial intelligence, is crucial for anyone interested in the history of thinking about AI and consciousness. Part survey of modern physics, part exploration of the philosophy of mind, the book is not for casual readers--though it's not overly technical, it rarely pauses to let the reader catch a breath. The overview of relativity and quantum theory, written by a master, is priceless and uncontroversial. The exploration of consciousness and AI, though, is generally considered as resting on shakier ground.

Penrose claims that there is an intimate, perhaps unknowable relation between quantum effects and our thinking, and ultimately derives his anti-AI stance from his proposition that some, if not all, of our thinking is non-algorithmic. Of course, these days we believe that there are other avenues to AI than traditional algorithmic programming; while he has been accused of setting up straw robots to knock down, this accusation is unfair. Little was then known about the power of neural networks and behavior-based robotics to simulate (and, some would say, produce) intelligent problem-solving behavior. Whether these tools will lead to strong AI is ultimately a question of belief, not proof, and The Emperor's New Mind offers powerful arguments useful to believer and nonbeliever alike. --Rob Lightner

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The Emperor's New Mind 在線電子書 讀後感



这是一本改变了我部分人生观的书, 和上面一样, 一开始根本看不懂, 只翻了几页就放下了, 直到几年後再次翻阅, 才发现这本书的内容实在是太丰富了, 太有启发性了. 读这本书会让我处在一种兴奋状态下. 虽然是多年前出版的书, 内容在今日却一点也不过时.  


真心说没看懂。因为看上帝掷骰子这本书提到了这本书,去图书馆找到了它,一看吓一跳:如此之厚!!!翻了一翻,真心说:如果想休闲,不适宜看。内容太多了。需要的知识背景太多。 以后看了其他这方面书再借了看吧。 毕竟是神人级的书,因为看太懂,难以评价翻译。我想翻译需要...  


“皇帝新脑”的“门修斯”   作者:PLGN   The Emperor's New Mind是牛津大学的Roger Penrose教授写的一本重要的学术专著,目的是参与心灵哲学问题的讨论。可是这本心灵哲学的专著一交到中国的出版社(湖南科学技术出版社)手里,居然变成了物理方面的科普读物,归入了向...  


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