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The Social Life of Things

Arjun Appadurai 作者
Cambridge University Press
1988-1-29 出版日期
339 页数
USD 34.99 价格
9780521357265 图书编码

The Social Life of Things 在线电子书 图书标签: 人类学  物质文化  社会学  物质文化史  文化人类学  Anthropology  Appadurai  社会史   

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Appadurai and Kopytoff for final paper


'The cultural biography of things: commoditization as process' by Kopytoff.被认为是material anthropology的奠基之作,强调商品化作为一个分类过程的复杂性与多层次。被大众文化形塑的市场标准价值会持续被个人或群体的审美偏好与singularization efforts挑战,因此商品域的边界是不稳定且可渗透的,物品的主体性也在商品化、去商品化和再商品化的游移交接中建构丰富。不过物品的agency是一个很可疑的概念,它作为一个社会概念必然需要人类的mediation,另外品味的争夺也涉及文化霸权的问题,且精细化商品类属与市场交换的multi-spheres并没有从根本上挑战商品化作为道德瑕疵的意识形态。


“Following Habermas, we are used to thinking of crises of legitimacy in modern Western society as the product of a breakdown in the discourse regarding duties and obligations linking state and society.” @RUC


intro部分尤其好!可是每次读理论就会对本学科产生深深的identity crisis...

The Social Life of Things 在线电子书 著者简介


Arjun Appadurai, New School University, New York


Nancy Farriss, Arjun Appadurai, Igor Kopytoff, William H. Davenport, Alfred Gell, Colin Renfrew, Patrick Geary, Brian Spooner, Lee V. Cassanelli, William M. Reddy, C. A. Bayly

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The Social Life of Things 在线电子书 图书描述

The meaning that people attribute to things necessarily derives from human transactions and motivations, particularly from how those things are used and circulated. The contributors to this volume examine how things are sold and traded in a variety of social and cultural settings, both present and past. Focusing on culturally defined aspects of exchange and socially regulated processes of circulation, the essays illuminate the ways in which people find value in things and things give value to social relations. By looking at things as if they lead social lives, the authors provide a new way to understand how value is externalized and sought after. They discuss a wide range of goods - from oriental carpets to human relics - to reveal both that the underlying logic of everyday economic life is not so far removed from that which explains the circulation of exotica, and that the distinction between contemporary economies and simpler, more distant ones is less obvious than has been thought. As the editor argues in his introduction, beneath the seeming infinitude of human wants, and the apparent multiplicity of material forms, there in fact lie complex, but specific, social and political mechanisms that regulate taste, trade, and desire.

Containing contributions from American and British social anthropologists and historians, the volume bridges the disciplines of social history, cultural anthropology, and economics, and marks a major step in our understanding of the cultural basis of economic life and the sociology of culture. It will appeal to anthropologists, social historians, economists. archaeologists, and historians of art.

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The Social Life of Things 在线电子书 读后感


Retracting to the Marxian framework of the politics of commodity production and departing from Simmel’s argument that exchange creates value and not the other way around, the edited essays in the Social life of Things shed light on the specific trajectory ...


Retracting to the Marxian framework of the politics of commodity production and departing from Simmel’s argument that exchange creates value and not the other way around, the edited essays in the Social life of Things shed light on the specific trajectory ...


Retracting to the Marxian framework of the politics of commodity production and departing from Simmel’s argument that exchange creates value and not the other way around, the edited essays in the Social life of Things shed light on the specific trajectory ...


Retracting to the Marxian framework of the politics of commodity production and departing from Simmel’s argument that exchange creates value and not the other way around, the edited essays in the Social life of Things shed light on the specific trajectory ...


Retracting to the Marxian framework of the politics of commodity production and departing from Simmel’s argument that exchange creates value and not the other way around, the edited essays in the Social life of Things shed light on the specific trajectory ...

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