The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2025

The Retreat of Western Liberalism

Edward Luce 作者
Atlantic Monthly Press
2017-6-6 出版日期
226 頁數
USD 24.00 價格
9780802127396 圖書編碼

The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 政治  政治學  政治哲學  非虛構  曆史  Politics  NonFiction  英文原版   

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The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 用戶評價


文中通過川普當選展開討論,西方民主自由是否走入民粹,今後的自由之路要怎麼走。由於是結閤時事,所以理解作者講的事情並不難。 西方的精英們(white elite),也就是trump的攻擊對象,對普遍民主自由的發展多少帶著悲觀,覺得民粹,排外,會把社會帶入黑暗時代。我不知道這一天多久會到來,但是作者的一些觀點我還是贊同的。 他覺得當今社會大多數人覺得自己沒有被尊重,窮人活在狗咬狗的惡性競爭中,大傢對未來都充滿悲觀。原以為這是hard模式下我們的感受,作者的描述讓我感覺到這其實是一個普遍的問題。 作者並沒有給齣一個方法,但是提齣瞭很好的問題,就如同書名一樣。 很喜歡書中的一句話 the search for Eden always ends in tears 看來作者還是悲觀的




Just don't bite off more than you can chew...記者寫東西真的不如學者鞭闢入裏,前四分之一感覺真的很像論文東拼西湊起來的,太亂瞭,很多地方都浮於錶麵,而且主觀傾嚮太強,寫的所有東西都以liberalism作為風嚮標,甚至以這個有毒的lens去看待中國??中間寫到的Didier Eribon的故事還不錯




Problems abound, no clear solution in sight. We do live in interesting times.

The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 著者簡介

Edward Luce is a graduate from Oxford University in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. He worked as a speech writer for the treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, worked as the South Asia bureau chief for the Financial Times and is based in Washington DC as the Financial Times Washington columnist and commentator.

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The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 圖書描述

In his widely acclaimed book Time to Start Thinking, Financial Times columnist and commentator Edward Luce charted the course of American economic and geopolitical decline, proving to be a prescient voice on our current social and political turmoil.

In The Retreat of Western Liberalism, Luce makes a larger statement about the weakening of western hegemony and the crisis of democratic liberalism - of which Donald Trump and his European counterparts are not the cause, but a symptom. Luce argues that we are on a menacing trajectory brought about by ignorance of what it took to build the West, arrogance towards society's losers, and complacency about our system's durability - attitudes that have been emerging since the fall of the Berlin Wall, treated by the West as an absolute triumph over the East. We cannot move forward without a clear diagnosis of what has gone wrong. Luce contrasts Western democratic and economic ideals, which rest on an assumption of linear progress, with more cyclical views of economic strength - symbolized by the nineteenth-century fall and present-day rise of the Chinese and Indian economies - and with the dawn of a new multipolar age.

Combining on-the-ground reporting with intelligent synthesis of the vast literature already available, Luce offers a detailed projection of the consequences of the Trump administration and a forward-thinking analysis of what those who believe in enlightenment values must do to defend them from the multiple onslaughts they face in the coming years.

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The Retreat of Western Liberalism 在線電子書 讀後感


The retreat of western liberalism是Edward在特朗普当选、英国退欧等一系列时间后对这个时代发出无奈的叹息。 “愚蠢的人类,你们还是没有从历史里吸取教训!!” (自动脑补作者的内心) 作为2017年6月刚出版的书,书里提到的很多人物和事件现在在搜索引擎上还有跟进的新闻...


The retreat of western liberalism是Edward在特朗普当选、英国退欧等一系列时间后对这个时代发出无奈的叹息。 “愚蠢的人类,你们还是没有从历史里吸取教训!!” (自动脑补作者的内心) 作为2017年6月刚出版的书,书里提到的很多人物和事件现在在搜索引擎上还有跟进的新闻...


The retreat of western liberalism是Edward在特朗普当选、英国退欧等一系列时间后对这个时代发出无奈的叹息。 “愚蠢的人类,你们还是没有从历史里吸取教训!!” (自动脑补作者的内心) 作为2017年6月刚出版的书,书里提到的很多人物和事件现在在搜索引擎上还有跟进的新闻...


The retreat of western liberalism是Edward在特朗普当选、英国退欧等一系列时间后对这个时代发出无奈的叹息。 “愚蠢的人类,你们还是没有从历史里吸取教训!!” (自动脑补作者的内心) 作为2017年6月刚出版的书,书里提到的很多人物和事件现在在搜索引擎上还有跟进的新闻...


The retreat of western liberalism是Edward在特朗普当选、英国退欧等一系列时间后对这个时代发出无奈的叹息。 “愚蠢的人类,你们还是没有从历史里吸取教训!!” (自动脑补作者的内心) 作为2017年6月刚出版的书,书里提到的很多人物和事件现在在搜索引擎上还有跟进的新闻...

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