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Literary Theory

Terry Eagleton 作者
Univ Of Minnesota Press
2008-4-2 出版日期
240 頁數
USD 18.50 價格
9780816654475 圖書編碼

Literary Theory 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 文學理論  西方文論  二十世紀西方文論  馬剋思主義  詩學  英文原版  英文  英國   

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Literary Theory 在線電子書 用戶評價


The author's elaborations of schools and methods in Literary Theory are definitely lucid and even comprehensive, while his verbosity and convolution, which obviously peak in the Conclusion, impair the readability of the book a lot, even to the extent that the Afterwords was simply ignored by me...233


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The author's elaborations of schools and methods in Literary Theory are definitely lucid and even comprehensive, while his verbosity and convolution, which obviously peak in the Conclusion, impair the readability of the book a lot, even to the extent that the Afterwords was simply ignored by me...233





Literary Theory 在線電子書 著者簡介

Literary Theory 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Literary Theory 在線電子書 圖書描述

"This concise and lucid volume offers a satisfying survey of all the major theories, from structuralism in the 1960s to deconstruction today, that have made academic criticism both intriguing and off-putting to the outsider." --New York Times Book Review" " "Literary Theory" has the kind of racy readability that one associates more often with English critics who have set their faces resolutely against theory. It's not just a brilliant polemical essay; it's also a remarkable feat of condensation, explication, and synthesis." --Sunday Times "(London) "A concise guide to the most interesting and mystifying trends in the study of literature over the last fifty years." --The Nation" This classic work covers all of the major movements in literary studies in this century. Noted for its clear, engaging style and unpretentious treatment, Literary Theory" has become the introduction of choice for anyone interested in learning about the world of contemporary literary thought. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of Literary Theory"'s debut, Terry Eagleton reflects on the state of theory in academia today, the growth of antitheory (itself an interesting theoretical subject), its common-if problematic-place among survey coursework, and theory's continued relevance to scholarly pursuits. In this contemporary, retrospective moment, as scholars critically analyze the incredibly broad impact of the theoretical movement, Literary Theory "remains an essential initiation to the intellectually stimulating world of theoretical analysis. Terry Eagleton is John Edward Taylor professor of English literature at the University of Manchester. His numerous books include The Meaning of Life, How to Read a Poem, " and After Theory."

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Literary Theory 在線電子書 讀後感



本以为这本书是一本理论启蒙读物,因为在西方它是被用作大学教材的,不过其实也应当想到发达国家的教材和发展中国家也该是不同的才对。 我觉得伊格尔顿并不是一个求全的理论家,他在介绍各个理论流派时也不是要给出权威定义,而是在做总体观照后很有自己的独到见地,也...




在《结论:政治批评》中伊格尔顿写道:“We know that the lion is stronger than the lion-tamer, and so does the lion-tamer. The problem is that the lion does not know it. It is not out of the question that the death of literature may help the lion to awaken.”...  


从《导言:文学是什么》到《结论:政治批评》酣畅淋漓的读一遍,我们不难发现,罗兰•巴特不过是把作者“杀死”,而伊格尔顿则是决意要将文学“置之死地而后生”了。 在《导言》中,伊格尔顿就先将“文学性”的定义——如“虚构性”,或者是形式主义者认为的“由于话语之间的...  

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