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Do You Matter?

Robert Brunner 作者
FT Press
2008-8-12 出版日期
256 頁數
GBP 17.99 價格
9780137065066 圖書編碼

Do You Matter? 在線電子書 圖書標籤: Design  用戶體驗  設計  蘋果  UserExperienceSupplyChain  4   

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Do You Matter? 在線電子書 用戶評價


Make people feel your product behind the entity.


很是受用的一本書, 前蘋果首席設計師在這裏並沒有講什麼工業設計,而是 提齣瞭User Experience Supply Chain的概念。用戶體驗不僅是産品設計造就的,隻是用戶體驗關係鏈的一部分。就像製造商隻是生産鏈條一個環節而已。本書認為,你與用戶建立起什麼樣的情感聯結,纔是每個品牌和産品需要考慮的關鍵。




很是受用的一本書, 前蘋果首席設計師在這裏並沒有講什麼工業設計,而是 提齣瞭User Experience Supply Chain的概念。用戶體驗不僅是産品設計造就的,隻是用戶體驗關係鏈的一部分。就像製造商隻是生産鏈條一個環節而已。本書認為,你與用戶建立起什麼樣的情感聯結,纔是每個品牌和産品需要考慮的關鍵。



Do You Matter? 在線電子書 著者簡介

羅伯特·布倫納 Robert Brunner,作為工業設計師,羅伯特·布倫納是高科技領域的標誌性人物。他曾為蘋果公司的首席設計師,蘋果工業設計部門的創立者。他在蘋果公司擔任工業設計主管時,他創立瞭工業設計小組 Industrial Design Group,開發瞭世 界上第一款平闆電腦蘋果Newton,以及奠定瞭如今筆記本電腦標準 PowerBook。同時,他還是 Mac 電腦,即 iMac 的前身的發明者。之後,他又設計瞭第一款 Kindle。

Do You Matter? 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Do You Matter? 在線電子書 圖書描述

"Definitely, a game changer! Design experience is the power shift to our era what mass marketing was to the last century." John Sculley former CEO, Pepsi and Apple "Great design is about creating a deep relationship with your customers. If you don't, you're roadkill. This book shows you how and much, much more. Be prepared to have your mind blown." Bill Burnett Executive Director, Design Program, Stanford University "Design is the last great differentiator, and yet so few really understand it. Do You Matter? offers a marvelous series of direct, in-your-face observations and drives home the means to an absolutely integrated design strategy." Ray Riley Design GM, Entertainment and Devices, Microsoft "This book will challenge you to ask and answer what arguably are the most important questions an executive can ponder today. So open up." Noah Kerner CEO, Noise and coauthor, Chasing Cool More and more companies are coming to understand the competitive advantage offered by outstanding design. With this, you can create products, services, and experiences that truly matter to your customers' lives and thereby drive powerful, sustainable improvements in business performance. But delivering great designs is not easy. Many companies accomplish it once, or twice; few do it consistently. The secret: building a truly design-driven business, in which design is central to everything you do. Do You Matter? shows how to do precisely that. Legendary industrial designer Robert Brunner (who laid the groundwork for Apple's brilliant design language) and Stewart Emery (Success Built to Last) begin by making an incontrovertible case for the power of design in making emotional connections, deepening relationships, and strengthening brands. You'll learn what it really means to be "design-driven" and how that translates into action at Nike, Apple, BMW and IKEA. You'll learn design-driven techniques for managing your entire experience chain; define effective design strategies and languages; and learn how to manage design from the top, encouraging "risky" design innovations that lead to entirely new markets. The authors show how (and how not) to use research; how to extend design values into marketing, manufacturing, and beyond; and how to keep building on your progress, truly "baking" design into all your processes and culture.

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Do You Matter? 在線電子書 讀後感


文Shirleysays 如果你读过《至关重要的设计》,有一点会令你记忆深刻,就是书中提了太多次乔布斯和他的传奇苹果。苹果太成功了,以至于作者罗伯特.布伦纳实在找不出一个更好的例子来说明,关注客户体验是缔造苹果传奇的关键,何况他还是苹果前首席设计师,苹果工业设计部门的...  


设计至关重要,设计是一个并非轻而易举的过程,而在这个过程中,除了努力,你可能会失败,最终要的是要重视设计中的情感,用户的体验。比较喜欢一句话,书的最后那句~ 相信你的直觉,相信你对人生的理解。毕竟,你也是人,对吗? 对的  





作者把一个PPT拓展成了一本书......逻辑混乱,没有实质内容,提炼出来理应如下: 题目:好设计就是制作好的用户体验 【P1】Defining Design——设计意味有意识地经营产品与大众的每个互动点。 【P2】Defining Good Design——好设计如同空气,是潜意识中呼之欲出的情绪体验...  

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