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With the Old Breed

Eugene B Sledge 作者
Ebury Press
2010-3-4 出版日期
352 頁數
GBP 12.99 價格
9780091937539 圖書編碼

With the Old Breed 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 二戰  曆史  傳記  戰爭  太平洋  軍事小說  傳記小說  英文原版   

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With the Old Breed 在線電子書 用戶評價


“Marine Corps training taught us to kill efficiently and to try to survive. But it also taught us loyalty to each other—and love. ” Sledgehammer 畫麵感極強的記錄著戰爭中的死亡和屍體,無論是敵方還是己方,戰死還是誤殺,“They died gloriously on the field of honor for the emperor”還是“If the country is good enough to live in, it's good enough to fight for”,他眼中的死亡沒有一個是真正有價值的,這大概也是他眼中戰爭的樣子。


The standard for personal wartime accounts. Sledge writes his book with perhaps one the most sober and inglorious depictions of the island fighting between the Americans and the Japanese. Deeply tragic and powerfully relevant to anybody not familiar with the despicable baseness of war.


“Marine Corps training taught us to kill efficiently and to try to survive. But it also taught us loyalty to each other—and love. ” Sledgehammer 畫麵感極強的記錄著戰爭中的死亡和屍體,無論是敵方還是己方,戰死還是誤殺,“They died gloriously on the field of honor for the emperor”還是“If the country is good enough to live in, it's good enough to fight for”,他眼中的死亡沒有一個是真正有價值的,這大概也是他眼中戰爭的樣子。


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The standard for personal wartime accounts. Sledge writes his book with perhaps one the most sober and inglorious depictions of the island fighting between the Americans and the Japanese. Deeply tragic and powerfully relevant to anybody not familiar with the despicable baseness of war.

With the Old Breed 在線電子書 著者簡介

E. B. "Sledgehammer" SLEDGE was born and grew up in Mobile. In late 1943 he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. After basic training, he was sent to the Pacific Theater where he fought at Peleliu and Okinawa, two of the fiercest battles of WW II. Following the Japanese surrender, Sledge served in China as part of the occupation force. Upon his return home, he obtained a Ph.D. in biology and joined the faculty of Alabama College (later the University of Montevallo), where he taught until retirement. Sledge initially wrote about his war experiences to explain them to his family, but he was persuaded by his wife to seek publication. Sledge died on March 3, 2001.

With the Old Breed 在線電子書 著者簡介

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With the Old Breed 在線電子書 圖書描述

Now the inspiration behind the HBO series THE PACIFIC. This was a brutish, primitive hatred, as characteristic of the horror of war in the Pacific as the palm trees and the islands...Landing on the beach at Peleliu in 1944 as twenty-year-old new recruit to the US Marines, Eugene Sledge can only try desperately to survive. At Peleliu and Okinawa - two of the fiercest and filthiest Pacific battles of WWII - he witnesses the dehumanising brutality displayed by both sides and the animal hatred that each soldier has for his enemy. During temporary lapses in the fighting, conditions on the islands mean that the Marines often can't wash, stay dry, dig latrines, or even find time to eat. Suffering from constant fear, fatigue, and filth, the struggle of simply living in a combat zone is utterly debilitating. Yet despite horrendous conditions Sledge finds time to keep notes that he would later turn into a book. Described as one of the finest memoirs to emerge from any war, With the Old Breed tells with compassion and honesty of the cruelty, bravery and deaths of the men he fought alongside, and of his own journey from patriotic innocence to batte-scarred veteran. Eugene Sledge became more than a legend with his memoir, With The Old Breed. He became a chronicler, a historian, a storyteller who turns the extremes of the war in the Pacific - the terror, the camaraderie, the banal and the extraordinary - into terms we mortals can grasp. - Tom Hanks.

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With the Old Breed 在線電子書 讀後感







看过HBO的MINI剧集才来买的书。 看剧集时感觉很震撼,倒不是那些血腥和逼真的战争场景。真正震撼的是----原来战争是这个样子的啊! 以前看国内一些战争题材的剧,看完总是让人热血澎湃,恨不能自己也枪林弹雨一番。怕什么呢?反正主角都是不会被打死的,反正被打死的人也不是...  


看过HBO的MINI剧集才来买的书。 看剧集时感觉很震撼,倒不是那些血腥和逼真的战争场景。真正震撼的是----原来战争是这个样子的啊! 以前看国内一些战争题材的剧,看完总是让人热血澎湃,恨不能自己也枪林弹雨一番。怕什么呢?反正主角都是不会被打死的,反正被打死的人也不是...  

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