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How Children Succeed

Paul Tough 作者
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
2012-9-4 出版日期
256 頁數
USD 27.00 價格
9780547564654 圖書編碼

How Children Succeed 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 教育  育兒  心理學  孩子教育  兒童  發展心理學  psychology  孩子   

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How Children Succeed 在線電子書 用戶評價




not the advice/tips type of parenting book. elizabeth spiegel is my favorite. yes, you need to stare at your mistake in order to grow. i guess i am never short of courage.


final list of seven: grit self-control zest social intelligence gratitude optimism curiosity多年之後再念這本書,體會到的完全不一樣。傢裏現在有高中生,更加知道性格力量的重要,不僅僅是在學業上,而是在將來人生的漫長道路上的行走。作者提到的基礎:孩子小時候生活中沒有(心裏)創傷和持久的壓力和至少要和一個傢長之間建立良好的關係讓孩子知道總有一個安全網的存在是他們成長的基礎。基於此,纔可能提到自我控製,自我激勵,堅持不懈。很感慨。(2019/12/14)




希望noncogntive skill能夠逐漸進入主流教育界

How Children Succeed 在線電子書 著者簡介

Paul Tough is the author, most recently, of "The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us." His three previous books include "How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character," which was translated into 27 languages and spent more than a year on the New York Times hardcover and paperback best-seller lists. Paul is a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine; his writing has also appeared in the New Yorker, the Atlantic, and GQ and on the op-ed page of the New York Times. He is a speaker on topics including education, parenting, equity, and student success. He has worked as an editor at the New York Times Magazine and Harper's Magazine and as a reporter and producer for "This American Life." He was the founding editor of Open Letters, an online magazine. He lives with his wife and two sons in Austin, Texas, and Montauk, New York.

How Children Succeed 在線電子書 著者簡介

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How Children Succeed 在線電子書 圖書描述

“Drop the flashcards—grit, character, and curiosity matter even more than cognitive skills. A persuasive wake-up call.”—People

Why do some children succeed while others fail? The story we usually tell about childhood and success is the one about intelligence: success comes to those who score highest on tests, from preschool admissions to SATs. But in How Children Succeed, Paul Tough argues that the qualities that matter more have to do with character: skills like perseverance, curiosity, optimism, and self-control.

How Children Succeed introduces us to a new generation of researchers and educators, who, for the first time, are using the tools of science to peel back the mysteries of character. Through their stories—and the stories of the children they are trying to help—Tough reveals how this new knowledge can transform young people’s lives. He uncovers the surprising ways in which parents do—and do not—prepare their children for adulthood. And he provides us with new insights into how to improve the lives of children growing up in poverty. This provocative and profoundly hopeful book will not only inspire and engage readers, it will also change our understanding of childhood itself.

“Illuminates the extremes of American childhood: for rich kids, a safety net drawn so tight it’s a harness; for poor kids, almost nothing to break their fall.”—New York Times

“I learned so much reading this book and I came away full of hope about how we can make life better for all kinds of kids.”—Slate

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每章标题都特别吸引人,但是细读进去却并没有什么实质性的内容,内容学术又空洞。 列举了各种追踪抽样调查和案例,但是不可否认书中提倡的“要让孩子敢于面对失败和挑战,培养坚毅、乐观、有好奇心、有责任心的孩子”这个观点非常好,但是对实际的操作却缺少讨论。 简单浏览已...  

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