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Ancient China and its Enemies

Nicola Di Cosmo 作者
Cambridge University Press
2004-5-24 出版日期
380 頁數
USD 57.00 價格
9780521543828 圖書編碼

Ancient China and its Enemies 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 海外中國研究  曆史  邊疆史  中國古代史  漢學  古代史  中國  China   

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Ancient China and its Enemies 在線電子書 著者簡介

Nicola Di Cosmo received his Ph.D. from the Department of Uralic and Altaic Studies (now Central Eurasian Studies) at Indiana University in 1991, and held research and teaching positions at the University of Cambridge, Harvard University, and the University of Canterbury (New Zealand) before joining the Institute for Advanced Study in 2003. His main field of research is the history of the relations between China and Inner Asia from prehistory to the modern period. Within that broad area he has published on the early history of China's relations with steppe nomads (e.g., Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Powers in East Asian History, 2002) and on Mongol and Manchu history (e.g., Manchu-Mongol Relations on the Eve of the Qing Conquest, 2003), and he has edited several books, including Military Culture in Imperial China, 2009, and The Cambridge History of Inner Asia, 2009. He is currently working on questions of climate change at the time of the Mongol empire, the political thought of the early Manchus, and commercial relations in northeast Asia on the eve of the Qing conquest.

Indiana University, Ph.D. 1991; University of Cambridge, Research Fellow 1989–92; Indiana University, Visiting Lecturer and Rockefeller Fellow 1992–93; Harvard University, Assistant Professor 1993–97, Associate Professor 1998–99; University of Canterbury, Senior Lecturer 1999–2003; Institute for Advanced Study, Member 1999, Luce Foundation Professor in East Asian Studies 2003–

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Ancient China and its Enemies 在線電子書 圖書描述

This comprehensive history of the northern frontier of China through the first millennium B.C. details the formation of two increasingly distinct cultural areas: the sedentary Chinese and the northern nomads. Nicola Di Cosmo explores the tensions existing between these two worlds as they became progressively more polarized, with the eventual creation of the nomadic Hsiung-nu empire in the north, and of the Chinese empire in the south. Di Cosmo investigates the origins of the antagonism between early China and its "barbarian" neighbors.

Table of contents


Part I:

1. The Steppe Highway: the rise of Pastoral Nomadism as a Eurasian phenomenon;

2. Bronze, Iron and Gold: the evolution of nomadic cultures on the Northern frontier of China

Part II:

3. Beasts and birds: the historical context of early Chinese perceptions of northern peoples;

4. Walls and horses: the beginning of historical contacts between horse-riding Nomads and Chinese states

Part III:

5. Those who draw the bow: the rise of the Hsiung-nu Nomadic Empire and the political unification of the Nomads;

6. >From peace to war: China's shift from appeasement to military engagement

Part IV.

7. In search of grass and water: ethnography and history of the North in the Historian's Records;

8. Taming the North: the rationalization of the nomads in Ssu-ma Ch'ien's historical thought;


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Ancient China and its Enemies 在線電子書 讀後感


在中国漫长的历史上,草原文明入侵是难以抹杀的记忆,它伴随了数千年,一直困扰着中原文明的成长,长期以来,我们的历史解释习惯于将其看成是野蛮的、破坏性的,换言之,只有将其彻底消灭,才是最正确的选择。很少深刻去反省,多元文明为何不能共存? 狄宇宙这本书在国内已翻...


在中国漫长的历史上,草原文明入侵是难以抹杀的记忆,它伴随了数千年,一直困扰着中原文明的成长,长期以来,我们的历史解释习惯于将其看成是野蛮的、破坏性的,换言之,只有将其彻底消灭,才是最正确的选择。很少深刻去反省,多元文明为何不能共存? 狄宇宙这本书在国内已翻...


第一章第一节的第一张图草原之路,把鄂尔多斯标注在黄河几字型拐弯的内部,也就是陕西中部,这是标注错误了,应该在黄河几字型拐弯的北面。 对于一些专用名词的翻译应该遵循统一的译名,比如塞伊玛-图尔宾诺,辛塔什塔等,不能一会儿翻成图尔宾诺,一会儿翻成图尔比诺,一会儿...  



总而言之,这本书强调的结论是,中原农业文明和游牧文明的界限并非天然不可逾越,两者并非是必然的死敌,两者的界限是人为的 春秋以前的华夏和蛮夷,中原和游牧两者往往何二为一,界限并不清楚。进入春秋后,中原各国出于尊王攘夷争夺当时国际霸权的需要,经常性的丑化诋毁和...  

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