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John H. Holland 作者
Basic Books
1999-04-22 出版日期
272 頁數
USD 18.00 價格
9780738201429 圖書編碼

Emergence 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 科學  復雜係統  complexity  原版  霍蘭  美國  係統科學  復雜   

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Emergence 在線電子書 用戶評價


Certainly an inspiring read. The notion that complex systems can be understood through a hierarchical system of mechanisms, and through observing the regularities at each scale, is certainly not new, but nevertheless profound. The concept of constrained generating procedure, however, has proved redundant. Insufficient insight into emergence, though


Certainly an inspiring read. The notion that complex systems can be understood through a hierarchical system of mechanisms, and through observing the regularities at each scale, is certainly not new, but nevertheless profound. The concept of constrained generating procedure, however, has proved redundant. Insufficient insight into emergence, though


Certainly an inspiring read. The notion that complex systems can be understood through a hierarchical system of mechanisms, and through observing the regularities at each scale, is certainly not new, but nevertheless profound. The concept of constrained generating procedure, however, has proved redundant. Insufficient insight into emergence, though


Certainly an inspiring read. The notion that complex systems can be understood through a hierarchical system of mechanisms, and through observing the regularities at each scale, is certainly not new, but nevertheless profound. The concept of constrained generating procedure, however, has proved redundant. Insufficient insight into emergence, though


Certainly an inspiring read. The notion that complex systems can be understood through a hierarchical system of mechanisms, and through observing the regularities at each scale, is certainly not new, but nevertheless profound. The concept of constrained generating procedure, however, has proved redundant. Insufficient insight into emergence, though

Emergence 在線電子書 著者簡介

約翰·霍蘭(John Holland),銷售係統開發與訓練公司共同創始者,曾任職於IBM、Storage Technology Corporation及Sand Technology等公司。

Emergence 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Emergence 在線電子書 圖書描述

In this important book, John H. Holland dramatically shows us that the "emergence" of order from chaos has much to teach us about life, mind, and organizations. Creative activities in both the arts and the sciences depend upon an ability to model the world. The most creative of those models exhibits emergent properties, so that "what comes out is more than what goes in." From the ingenious checkers-playing computer that started beating its creator in game after game, to the emotive creations of the poet, Emergence shows that Holland's theory successfully predicts many complex behaviors in art and science.

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Emergence 在線電子書 讀後感




因对复杂学诸位大神的膜拜,我为这本看不懂的书多打了一颗星。我想,是不是看懂了就该打五颗星了?《隐秩序》我也读过,正如作者所说的,这本远比《隐秩序》更私人化,也就是说,更贴近大神的心灵。就是冲着这个去,这本书也是值得今后反复研读的。 这本书对新人并不友好,知识...  


标签:复杂性系统 第一次知道John Holland是通过另一本书《复杂-诞生于秩序与混沌边缘的科学》,他也是SantaFe的核心人物之一,我近来对“复杂性系统”正感兴趣.于是爱屋及乌,立刻将这本《涌现》收入阅读目录中。读后略有些失望,本书行文略显枯燥,学术味较浓。主要阐述了模...  


本书的作者是遗传算法之父,书中随处可见他富有想象力的见解,而且这些想象并不是不着边际,它们确实有着一定的指导性。但就我个人而言这种指导更多的还是在信念方面,毕竟Holland要说的东西还是太超前了点,再有就是这本书我只看过一遍。 值得注意的是这本书并不是传统的科学...  


虽然这本书涉及的各方面内容,我之前在多种场合已经有所涉及,但面这本书如此集中的思考力轰炸,还是有种很high的感觉。 作者从西洋跳棋的电脑推演开始入手,继而人工神经网络,到后来专业性极强的自组织通用计算机结构的论述,无不令人叹为观止。 本书的两点局限: 1)无论...  

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