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Parenting from the Inside out

Daniel J. Siegel 作者
Jeremy P Tarcher
2003-11-20 出版日期
258 頁數
GBP 19.99 價格
9781585422098 圖書編碼

Parenting from the Inside out 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 育兒  教育  心理學  psychology  成長  幼兒教育  parenting  Parenting-the-from-Inside-Out   

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Parenting from the Inside out 在線電子書 著者簡介

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., received his medical degree from Harvard University and completed his postgraduate medical education at the University of California, Los Angeles. The author of The Developing Mind, a pioneering book on neurobiology and attachment, he is currently an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine.

Mary Hartzell, M. Ed., is a child-development specialist and parent educator. She has taught children, parents, and teachers for more than thirty years and is the director of the renowned First Presbyterian Preschool of Santa Monica, California.

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Parenting from the Inside out 在線電子書 圖書描述

Book Description

How many parents have found themselves thinking: "I can't believe I just said to my child the very thing my parents used to say to me. . . . Am I just destined to repeat the mistakes of my parents?" In Parenting from the Inside Out child psychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and early childhood educator Mary Hartzell, M. Ed., explore the extent to which our childhood experiences actually do shape the way that we parent. Drawing upon stunning new findings in neurobiology and attachment research, they explain how interpersonal relationships directly impact the development of the brain, and offer parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories that will help them raise compassionate and resilient children.

In this book, Siegel and Hartzell present a unique perspective on the "art and science" of building nurturing relationships with our children. Born out of a series of workshops for parents that combined Siegel's cutting-edge research on how communication impacts brain development with Hartzell's thirty years of experience as a child development specialist and parent educator, Parenting from the Inside Out guides parents through creating the necessary foundations for a loving and secure relationship with their children.

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"How many parents have found themselves thinking: ""I can't believe I just said to my child the very thing my parents used to say to me. . . . Am I just destined to repeat the mistakes of my parents?"" In Parenting from the Inside Out child psychiatrist Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and early childhood educator Mary Hartzell, M. Ed., explore the extent to which our childhood experiences actually do shape the way that we parent. Drawing upon stunning new findings in neurobiology and attachment research, they explain how interpersonal relationships directly impact the development of the brain, and offer parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories that will help them raise compassionate and resilient children. In this book, Siegel and Hartzell present a unique perspective on the ""art and science"" of building nurturing relationships with our children. Born out of a series of workshops for parents that combined Siegel's cutting-edge research on how communication impacts brain development with Hartzell's thirty years of experience as a child development specialist and parent educator, Parenting from the Inside Out guides parents through creating the necessary foundations for a loving and secure relationship with their children."

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这是一本简单易读的关于教育儿童的书,有时候觉得英语有些词的表意还是很准确,parenting ,就是叫你如何做父母的意思。 这本书的作者还写过另一本书,the theory of mind, 相对这本书来说,更科学更深入的讲述了人的大脑思维的变化,而这本书则界面友善一点,写作的语气来说...  



自我完善程度越高 婚姻关系更稳定 亲子关系更健康,唯有独立的个人 才能共存,每个人都不那么完美 回到幼时的记忆深处 疗愈创伤 修复关系。做父母之前 先修复自我的情绪创伤 毕竟我们都在学着做相对合格的父母。 整个这个系列的书都是值得一读的 我们总在学着做更好的自己 孩子...  


《由内而外的教养 —— 做好父母,从接纳自己开始》 推荐这本书给做父母的朋友。今天随意翻了半本,个人感受如下,和朋友们分享。 1.感觉我早看到这本书就好了,里面的案例中好多错误我都犯过,而且当时深以为自己的教育方式不赖。 2.我一个做心理师的朋友曾在和我聊孩子教育...  

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