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The World of Thought in Ancient China

Benjamin I. Schwartz 作者
Belknap Press
1985-3-9 出版日期
490 页数
USD 35.00 价格
9780674961913 图书编码

The World of Thought in Ancient China 在线电子书 图书标签: 思想史  中国  Benjamin_I.Schwartz  历史  史华兹  文化  思想  英文   

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Hadot said that the fullest and truest way of doing philosophy is to be a philosopher and a historian at the same time... B.S. well fits into this category.


Hadot said that the fullest and truest way of doing philosophy is to be a philosopher and a historian at the same time... B.S. well fits into this category.


Hadot said that the fullest and truest way of doing philosophy is to be a philosopher and a historian at the same time... B.S. well fits into this category.



The World of Thought in Ancient China 在线电子书 著者简介

Benjamin I. Schwartz is Leroy B. Williams Professor of History and Political Science, Emeritus, Harvard University

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The World of Thought in Ancient China 在线电子书 图书描述

The center of this prodigious work of scholarship is a fresh examination of the range of Chinese culture thought during the formative period of Chinese culture. Benjamin Schwartz looks at the surviving texts of this period with a particular focus on the range of diversity to be found in them. While emphasizing the problematic and complex nature of this thought he also considers views which stress the unity of Chinese culture

Attention is accorded to pre-Confucian texts, to the evolution of early Confucianism, to Mo-Tzu, to the "Taoists" the legalists, the Ying-Yang school, the "five classics" as well as to intellectual issues which cut across the conventional classification of schools. The main focus is on the high cultural texts, but Mr.Schwartz also explores the question of the relationship of these texts to the vast realm of popular culture.

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The World of Thought in Ancient China 在线电子书 读后感




多年以来,我一直对轴心时代(Axial Age)的思想转化有着浓厚的兴趣,这要拜史华慈教授当年启迪之赐,他于1975为Daedalus季刊主编讨论轴心时代文明的专辑,特别是他在这专辑里写的两篇论文是引发我在这方面兴趣的开始。 今天我想在这篇短文里重访一下二十年前史教授喜欢谈的这...


一塊“大磚頭”,放在書包裡,從家裡帶到辦公室,從辦公室帶到家裡,如影隨形,整整兩個禮拜,今天終於可以放到書架上去。這塊“大磚頭”,就是本傑明·史華茲教授的巨著《古代中國的思想世界》。真是歎為觀止! 看完這本書之後我最大的感想是:從今天起,再也不敢談論什麽“...  


一 虽然史华兹早因《寻求富强:严复与西方》一书,而蜚声中国学界,但直到《古代中国的思想世界》的中译本在前岁问世,那以后他的中国思想史研究的系统见解,才引起大陆人文学者的广泛注意。 注意不等于了解。据我寡闻所及,《古代中国的思想世界》中译本出版快两年了,迄今未...  

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