Life of Pi 在线电子书 图书标签: 英文原著 小说 英文原版 宗教 人生意义 外国文学 漂流 加拿大
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The movie lost so many important and interesting details. It's a great story about religion and life-struggling, ok, maybe two stories.
评分The movie lost so many important and interesting details. It's a great story about religion and life-struggling, ok, maybe two stories.
评分The movie lost so many important and interesting details. It's a great story about religion and life-struggling, ok, maybe two stories.
评分I knew the second story would be the real one, but I choose to believe the first one.
扬•马特尔(Yann Martel)
"Life of Pi" is just a fun read with quite a few memorable details, but on the whole the author is still immature as a writer in that, he tries too hard to mask the "truth" with gimmicks in story-telling, and he loses sight of the real depth of the truth, a...
评分读完Life of Pi,厘清了不少看完电影后产生的困惑,也愈加佩服Yann Martel。他不仅讲了一个精彩的故事,而且文笔出色,读的时候经常有满满一页都想抄到笔记本上的冲动。 不少人读完此书后,花了大笔精力探讨第一、第二个故事孰真孰假。可我却觉得,全书的前1/3更值得细细品味。...
评分书跟读者之间总是存在着缘份的。不过活在这个世界上,经历怎样的人生,遇到哪些人,做成怎样的事,都是要看缘份的。止乎当止行乎当行,冥冥之中自有天定。 至于这本书,我本来有太多的可能性与它擦肩而过了。作者获奖的那一年,卡洛斯面对中国队轰出一脚漂亮的弧线,我还在读...
评分王小波说小说首先应当有趣,“大家在小说中看到的应该是有趣本身”,真是说到我的心坎里去了。可惜,在他不幸的英年早逝之后,有趣的中文小说也再见不到了。我郁闷了许久,郁闷到我的英文粗通,可以不怎么结巴的看完一本小说为止。我记得我看的第一本英文小说是《the Catcher i...
评分看这本书是因为看了李安拍的同名电影的预告片。一只孟加拉虎与人生活在同一条船上吸引我。促使我去寻书过来看,因为中文版是2005年的,市面上几乎找不到了,最后终于从可爱的图书馆里找了它,可爱的图书管理员还给它加了塑料皮套。 在这里我要再一次谴责一下那坑...
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