A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian 在线电子书 图书标签: 小说 乌克兰 MarinaLewycka 英国 英文小说 原版 外国文学 英文
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From Doha to home, it takes me half year to read through it chapter by chapter. A complete release when it comes to the very end.
评分不错的小说,没有成为那种内容压倒形式的政治小说。直接读英文原版会好很多,有很多滑稽的语言(主要是Valentina和父亲的蹩脚英文)中文是很难翻译出那种韵味的,比如“you bebby father”“you clever clever engineer""you living dead, you graveyard escapee"。Nadia描写父亲的bosom fondle着实很搞笑。非常推荐。
玛琳娜•柳薇卡(Marina Lewycka) 二战结束时出生于德国基尔(Kiel)的难民营,父母均为乌克兰人。她在英国长大成人。在谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学任教。已婚,女儿已长大成人,居住在谢菲尔德。
For years, Nadezhda and Vera, two Ukrainian sisters, raised in England by their refugee parents, have had as little as possible to do with each other - and they have their reasons. But now they find they'd better learn how to get along, because since their mother's death their aging father has been sliding into his second childhood, and an alarming new woman has just entered his life. Valentina, a bosomy young synthetic blonde from the Ukraine, seems to think their father is much richer than he is, and she is keen that he leave this world with as little money to his name as possible.If Nadazhda and Vera don't stop her, no one will. But separating their addled and annoyingly lecherous dad from his new love will prove to be no easy feat - Valentina is a ruthless pro and the two sisters swiftly realize that they are mere amateurs when it comes to ruthlessness. As Hurricane Valentina turns the family house upside down, old secrets come falling out, including the most deeply buried one of them all, from the War, the one that explains much about why Nadazhda and Vera are so different. In the meantime, oblivious to it all, their father carries on with the great work of his dotage, a grand history of the tractor.
这本书的评,思郁兄《幽默的苦难》一文,最为精彩,很有感触。我只选了一个小角度——父亲前后的两个女人,从小说人物的层面,做了微小解读,算是剧透,供方家一笑。 这本小说里有两个关键人物:死了两年的母亲和性感的乌克兰女郎,她们都是父亲的女人,代表了乌克兰的前世和...
评分 评分《乌克兰拖拉机简史》以类似黑色幽默的风格,叙述了发生在老夫少妻身上的荒诞故事。作品的最大看点无疑是对苏联、对共产主义的诙谐嘲讽,穿插了拖拉机发展简史、航空事业发展历程,引发了人们对那个时代悲剧的思考,这个写作体例,跟我之前读过的《蚂蚁革命》有异曲同工之妙。...
评分一部喜剧,如果仅仅做到了引人发笑,那它一定算不上杰作。假如卓别林只会那些滑稽的招牌动作,他也成不了大师。喜剧并不天然与哀伤绝缘,它只是形式,而形式的下面可以容纳任何内容,包括那些发人深省的。《乌克兰拖拉机简史》再次印证了这一点。 小说走的是见微知著...
评分玛琳娜•柳薇卡(Marina Lewycka)4岁时写下了人生的第一首诗,是关于小兔子的;二十多年之后,她的诗第一次登上一本杂志,那时她28岁。又过了三十年,她终于有作品再次发表,这时她58岁。 这次是一部小说,名叫——有评论说作者为这本书起了一个最勇敢的名字——《乌克兰拖...
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