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Never Lost Again

[美] Bill Kilday 作者
2018-5-29 出版日期
368 頁數
USD 8.00 價格
9780062673046 圖書編碼

Never Lost Again 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 商業  Google  創業  互聯網  傳記  google-map  經典  biography   

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Never Lost Again 在線電子書 用戶評價


講Google maps前世今生的好書,更是瞭解矽榖初創企業成長發展的好書。


從google maps的前世今生也是側麵寫瞭tech industry的變化,不愧是marketing的人寫的,有點點瑪麗蘇,好多次黑marissa mayer,也講瞭早期很多grinding的故事,以及一些政治鬥爭


雖然去不瞭google 想看一群想成事的人怎樣麵對公司政治 獲得瞭重新開始閱讀的動力 finished reading 10/14/19 很喜歡,is this a world where people's attentions will be further sucked into the phones? or will we look up from our phones and appreciate the world around us with new eyes and a greater understanding of the history, architecture, and cultural significance of a place?


Google maps背後一個關鍵團隊的進化史。彩蛋:這個團隊後來從Google spin off成立瞭一傢叫Niantic的遊戲公司,開發瞭Pokemon Go



Never Lost Again 在線電子書 著者簡介

Bill Kilday’s twenty-five-year career in technology and game marketing has centered on maps and augmented reality. He served as marketing director for digital mapping start-up Keyhole, and marketing lead for Google’s Geo division during the launch of Google Maps and Google Earth. He is currently VP of marketing for Niantic Inc., a spinout company from Google responsible for GPS-based games Ingress, Pokémon GO, and the upcoming Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. The youngest of eight children, Kilday was born in Houston, Texas, and now lives in Austin, Texas, with his family. He has a terrible sense of direction.

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Never Lost Again 在線電子書 圖書描述

As enlightening as The Facebook Effect, Elon Musk, and Chaos Monkeys—the compelling, behind-the-scenes story of the creation of one of the most essential applications ever devised, and the rag-tag team that built it and changed how we navigate the world

Never Lost Again chronicles the evolution of mapping technology—the "overnight success twenty years in the making." Bill Kilday takes us behind the scenes of the tech’s development, and introduces to the team that gave us not only Google Maps but Google Earth, and most recently, Pokémon GO.

He takes us back to the beginning to Keyhole—a cash-strapped startup mapping company started by a small-town Texas boy named John Hanke, that nearly folded when the tech bubble burst. While a contract with the CIA kept them afloat, the company’s big break came with the first invasion of Iraq; CNN used their technology to cover the war and made it famous. Then Google came on the scene, buying the company and relaunching the software as Google Maps and Google Earth. Eventually, Hanke’s original company was spun back out of Google, and is now responsible for Pokémon GO and the upcoming Harry Potter: Wizards Unite.

Kilday, the marketing director for Keyhole and Google Maps, was there from the earliest days, and offers a personal look behind the scenes at the tech and the minds developing it. But this book isn’t only a look back at the past; it is also a glimpse of what’s to come. Kilday reveals how emerging map-based technologies including virtual reality and driverless cars are going to upend our lives once again.

Never Lost Again shows us how our worldview changed dramatically as a result of vision, imagination, and implementation. It’s a crazy story. And it all started with a really good map.

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Never Lost Again 在線電子書 讀後感


作者比尔是Google的第2488号员工,主营工作是Google地图的营销负责人。 作为营销从业者,作者基本是我见过的最不会吹嘘自己的人了。他经常在字里行间表现出当年的迷茫,怯懦,甚至鸡贼。 营销在大部分互联网公司中基本都是属于中台,从来就不属于“业务部门”,甚至还会被边缘...  


这本书告诉我们,谷歌方法总共分为这几步: 1. 用足够的钱买下一个有技术潜力的创业公司; 2. 用足够的钱买下所有数据; 3. 用足够的钱签下最牛逼的开发; 4. 把服务免费开放. 谷歌是一个伟大的公司,有着常人无法企及的宏大愿景;书中的创业故事是一个还不错的故事。作为googl...  


读《谷歌方法》有感 第一次翻开这本书,觉得是在讲谷歌的(跟在书展买书时候想法一样),读到中间,其实是在讲谷歌地图的。。好些年没读这种商业题材的书了,上一本读的应该是高中那会读的《联想风云》,巧的是都出自于中信出版社,都是IT行业。这本书在讲锁眼的创始人比尔'基...  



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