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The World Is Flat

Thomas Friedman 作者
Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
2007-07-31 出版日期
672 页数
$ 24.25 价格
9780141034898 图书编码

The World Is Flat 在线电子书 图书标签: 经济  Globalization  经济学  英文原版  政治  Non-fiction  Economics  可持续性发展   

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内容泛泛 用来学英文写作不错 = =




相信我,這真的是窮極無聊的書。厚厚的一本磚把世人皆知的道理用比喻事例和鋪排重複了一遍又一遍。文筆又著實乏善可陳,典型的商學院理論派筆法:幾個詞押頭韻再來幾個概念押尾韻,整合成漂亮又空洞的“新發現”……這種可愛的文體寫商業企劃書的那群人最喜歡了,呵呵呵。整體立意來說,Thomas Freidman對globalization又太過樂觀了。Globalization是不是等於Americanization? 全球文化會不會導致單一化?發展中國家的精神迷失?資源掠奪還是合理分配?——這些更有意思的話題作者隻字未提。外包、投資、信息化、經濟結構轉型這些話題911前已經講爛了,2007才出現的這本書到底爲什麽被如此吹捧?


G 3.0


an amazing one

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The World Is Flat 在线电子书 图书描述


The beginning of the twenty-first century will be remembered, Friedman argues, not for military conflicts or political events, but for a whole new age of globalization ndash; a flattening' of the world. The explosion of advanced technologies now means that suddenly knowledge pools and resources have connected all over the planet, levelling the playing field as never before, so that each of us is potentially an equal ndash; and competitor ndash; of the other. The rules of the game have changed forever ndash; but does this death of distance', which requires us all to run faster in order to stay in the same place, mean the world has got too small and too flat too fast for us to adjust? Friedman brilliantly demystifies the exciting, often bewildering, global scene unfolding before our eyes, one which we sense but barely yet understand. The World is Flat is the most timely and essential update on globalization, its successes and its discontents, powerfully illuminated by a world-class writer. In his new chapters: 'If It's Not Happening, It's Because You're Not Doing It' and 'What Happens When We All Have Dog's Hearing?' the author explores both the benefits and disadvantages of the very latest developments in global communication. The emergent popularity of blogging, pod-casting, YouTube and MySpace enable the modern world citizen to broadcast their views to a potential audience of billions, and the proliferation of Internet access to even the poorest communities gives everyone who wants to the tools to address issues of social injustice and inequality. On the other hand the technology that seems to improve communication on a global scale causes it to deteriorate on a local scale. Identifying ours as 'The Age of Interruption', Friedman discusses the annoyance and dangers of BlackBerrys in meeting rooms, hands-free kits in conversation and using a phone or iPod whilst driving. In an age when we are always 'connected' via email or mobile phone how can we hope to concentrate on one thing without interruption? As expected the author has revitalised this new edition of The World Is Flat with timely insights into the nature of our flat world.



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The World Is Flat 在线电子书 读后感


(一) 再好的东西,如果跟你无关。那么,这个东西,都只是生活的八卦,而非必需品。 这也是人们需要忽略一些东西的理由。 人生是复杂和短暂的,我们活得都忙不过来了,除了爱看热闹的天性外,我们的眼界没有超越我们生活的圈子。 我在读《世界是平的》(第二版)的时...  


The World is Flat Thomas L Friedman To Matt and Kay and to Ron 世界是平坦的 ——二十一世纪简史 作者:托马斯 L 弗里德曼 翻译:段胜全 此书敬至马特、凯和罗纳 译者按 托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman)是《纽约时报》(New York Times)外事专栏作家,按照他的观点,...  


[随手一记] 世界是平的&湖南科学技术出版社&东方出版社 我要写书评,而且要评《世界是平的》,你信吗?熟悉我的,或熟悉我的blog的朋友,都肯定不信。但这次,各位非信不可。呃,先声明一句,这本书,我现在只看到第9页。 我要评的这个版本,是很新的2006年9月版,译者是何帆...  


题记:我渴望成为你思想上的伙伴,平坦世界中的朋友! —— 不戒    一本书洗了我的脑,书的名字叫《世界是平的》。 读完了《纽约时报》专栏作家托马斯•弗里德曼的这本书,我忍不住问自己:天哪,这家伙是怎样做到的呢?然后,我像那只想吃天鹅肉的赖蛤...  


The World is Flat Thomas L Friedman To Matt and Kay and to Ron 世界是平坦的 ——二十一世纪简史 作者:托马斯 L 弗里德曼 翻译:段胜全 此书敬至马特、凯和罗纳 译者按 托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman)是《纽约时报》(New York Times)外事专栏作家,按照他的观点,...  

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