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Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave

Bill Franks 作者
John Wiley & Sons
2012-4-27 出版日期
336 页数
GBP 39.99 价格
9781118208786 图书编码

Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave 在线电子书 图书标签: 数据挖掘  数据分析  云计算  BigData  大数据  Big_Data  计算机  计算   

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Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave 在线电子书 用户评价


非常细致得讨论数据分析师,data scientist的各项技能,有高度,也实在;国内啥时候能老老实实写本这样的书呀








非常细致得讨论数据分析师,data scientist的各项技能,有高度,也实在;国内啥时候能老老实实写本这样的书呀

Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave 在线电子书 著者简介

Bill Franks是Teradata公司全球合作伙伴计划的首席分析专家,他负责跟踪研究分析领域的前段趋势,帮助客户理解Teradata和其分析合作伙伴如何为客户创造价值。Bill还负责管理Teradata与SAS合作成立的业务分析创新中心,并专注于帮助客户获得创新分 析能力。此外,Bill负责制定Teradata公司在高级分析领域的战略与定位。

Bill是国际数据分析研究所的一名讲师,国际数据分析研究所 ( International Institute for Analytics ) 是由分析领域专家Tom Davenport成立的研究机构。Bill还是一名活跃的演讲人和博客作者,他的博客地址是:http://iianalytics.com/category/faculty-blogs/bill-franks。



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Taming The Big Data Tidal Wave 在线电子书 图书描述

You receive an e-mail. It contains an offer for a complete personal computer system. It seems like the retailer read your mind since you were exploring computers on their web site just a few hours prior...As you drive to the store to buy the computer bundle, you get an offer for a discounted coffee from the coffee shop you are getting ready to drive past. It says that since you're in the area, you can get 10% off if you stop by in the next 20 minutes...As you drink your coffee, you receive an apology from the manufacturer of a product that you complained about yesterday on your Facebook page, as well as on the company's web site...Finally, once you get back home, you receive notice of a special armor upgrade available for purchase in your favorite online video game. It is just what is needed to get past some spots you've been struggling with...Sound crazy? Are these things that can only happen in the distant future? No. All of these scenarios are possible today! Big data. Advanced analytics. Big data analytics. It seems you can't escape such terms today. Everywhere you turn people are discussing, writing about, and promoting big data and advanced analytics. Well, you can now add this book to the discussion. What is real and what is hype? Such attention can lead one to the suspicion that perhaps the analysis of big data is something that is more hype than substance. While there has been a lot of hype over the past few years, the reality is that we are in a transformative era in terms of analytic capabilities and the leveraging of massive amounts of data. If you take the time to cut through the sometimes-over-zealous hype present in the media, you'll find something very real and very powerful underneath it. With big data, the hype is driven by genuine excitement and anticipation of the business and consumer benefits that analyzing it will yield over time. Big data is the next wave of new data sources that will drive the next wave of analytic innovation in business, government, and academia. These innovations have the potential to radically change how organizations view their business. The analysis that big data enables will lead to decisions that are more informed and, in some cases, different from what they are today. It will yield insights that many can only dream about today. As you'll see, there are many consistencies with the requirements to tame big data and what has always been needed to tame new data sources. However, the additional scale of big data necessitates utilizing the newest tools, technologies, methods, and processes. The old way of approaching analysis just won't work. It is time to evolve the world of advanced analytics to the next level. That's what this book is about. Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave isn't just the title of this book, but rather an activity that will determine which businesses win and which lose in the next decade. By preparing and taking the initiative, organizations can ride the big data tidal wave to success rather than being pummeled underneath the crushing surf. What do you need to know and how do you prepare in order to start taming big data and generating exciting new analytics from it? Sit back, get comfortable, and prepare to find out!

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又见大数据,但我不想阿谀的赞颂什么,而是过来拍砖的。 1、数据应用的商业模式在哪里,目前除了类似淘宝数据魔方这样垂直市场专业产品看不到其他。数据的核心问题不在于分析,而在于收集(这意味着存在用户愿意在你的平台上产生行为)。流量也罢、入口也罢,请注意,互联网最...  









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