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The Paleo Diet for Athletes

Cordain, Loren; Friel, Joe; Cordain 作者
2012-10 出版日期
336 页数
$ 19.20 价格
9781609619176 图书编码

The Paleo Diet for Athletes 在线电子书 图书标签: diet  饮食  运动  跑步   

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把饮食分成了5个stages,够详细!大书 The big book of endurance training and racing的补充。指导了13年tnf50的赛前中后饮食。


把饮食分成了5个stages,够详细!大书 The big book of endurance training and racing的补充。指导了13年tnf50的赛前中后饮食。


把饮食分成了5个stages,够详细!大书 The big book of endurance training and racing的补充。指导了13年tnf50的赛前中后饮食。


把饮食分成了5个stages,够详细!大书 The big book of endurance training and racing的补充。指导了13年tnf50的赛前中后饮食。


把饮食分成了5个stages,够详细!大书 The big book of endurance training and racing的补充。指导了13年tnf50的赛前中后饮食。

The Paleo Diet for Athletes 在线电子书 著者简介

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The Paleo Diet for Athletes 在线电子书 图书描述

Paleo-style diets are all the rage as fitness enthusiasts, including the booming nation of CrossFitters, have adopted high-protein, low-processed-food diets to fuel their exercise. It all began with the publication of the book "The Paleo Diet" by renowned scientist Loren Cordain, PhD, who presented a breakthrough plan for weight loss and disease prevention without dieting or exercising. In 2005, Dr. Cordain joined with endurance coach Joe Friel to write "The Paleo Diet for Athletes". It sold 8,000 copies that first year, but it has sold even better as a backlist title - more than 20,000 units in both 2010 and 2012. Now, the authors offer an updated and revised edition of "The Paleo Diet for Athletes", specifically targeting runners, triathletes, and other serious amateur athletes. Cordain and Friel show that by using the foods our bodies were designed to eat - protein, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and even some saturated fats - anyone can achieve total-body fitness and dramatically improve the strength and cardiovascular efficiency. "The Paleo Diet for Athletes" gives specific guidelines for what to eat before, during and after a workout or competition along with simple, tasty recipes packed with power and wholesome ingredients.

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