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If Not, Winter 在線電子書 pdf 下載 txt下載 epub 下載 mobi 下載 2024

If Not, Winter

Sappho 作者
Anne Carson 譯者
2003-8-12 出版日期
416 頁數
USD 16.95 價格
9780375724510 圖書編碼

If Not, Winter 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 詩歌  Sappho  古希臘  AnneCarson  薩福  英文  外國文學  詩(歌)   

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新殘片 朗讀






Let me learn a song of Sappho so I may die. 難以形容這些破碎的語句所蘊含的力量,或許藉用殘章中的一行最為貼切——you burn me.


“you burn me”????????????

If Not, Winter 在線電子書 著者簡介

If Not, Winter 在線電子書 著者簡介

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If Not, Winter 在線電子書 圖書描述

Of the nine books of lyrics the ancient Greek poet Sappho is said to have composed, only one poem has survived complete. The rest are fragments. In this miraculous new translation, acclaimed poet and classicist Anne Carson presents all of Sappho’s fragments, in Greek and in English, as if on the ragged scraps of papyrus that preserve them, inviting a thrill of discovery and conjecture that can be described only as electric—or, to use Sappho’s words, as “thin fire . . . racing under skin.” By combining the ancient mysteries of Sappho with the contemporary wizardry of one of our most fearless and original poets, If Not, Winter provides a tantalizing window onto the genius of a woman whose lyric power spans millennia.

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If Not, Winter 在線電子書 讀後感


Who, oh Sappho, is wronging you? Anne Carson's translation is wonderful and I have to say the poetry of Sappho is not her poems but a collaborative work of art. Although I don't agree with Carson's 'reinterpretation' of which poem 1 is about Sappho's longin...


Who, oh Sappho, is wronging you? Anne Carson's translation is wonderful and I have to say the poetry of Sappho is not her poems but a collaborative work of art. Although I don't agree with Carson's 'reinterpretation' of which poem 1 is about Sappho's longin...


Who, oh Sappho, is wronging you? Anne Carson's translation is wonderful and I have to say the poetry of Sappho is not her poems but a collaborative work of art. Although I don't agree with Carson's 'reinterpretation' of which poem 1 is about Sappho's longin...


Who, oh Sappho, is wronging you? Anne Carson's translation is wonderful and I have to say the poetry of Sappho is not her poems but a collaborative work of art. Although I don't agree with Carson's 'reinterpretation' of which poem 1 is about Sappho's longin...


Who, oh Sappho, is wronging you? Anne Carson's translation is wonderful and I have to say the poetry of Sappho is not her poems but a collaborative work of art. Although I don't agree with Carson's 'reinterpretation' of which poem 1 is about Sappho's longin...

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