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Lady Susan

[英] 简·奥斯汀 作者
Dover Publications
2005-11-08 出版日期
80 pages 页数
USD 4.95 价格
9780486444079 图书编码

Lady Susan 在线电子书 图书标签: JaneAusten  简·奥斯丁  英文原版  英国文学  英国  小说  外国文学  文学   

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Lady Susan 在线电子书 用户评价






几乎全部用书信撑起的一本短篇小说。没有场景描写,没有直接对话,有的只是多位寄信人的主观意见。从看似不连贯的叙述中,一个在同性中颇有微词,却让年轻异性无法抗拒的风流寡妇的故事跃然纸上。Lady Susan 永远不会惊慌失措,永远有下一招。别人的手指戳在她的脊梁骨上,仿佛说着“你不就是仗着自己长得美吗”,然后她点点头:“是啊。”Austen流畅的长句也的确合了Mrs. Vernon说Lady Susan口才了得会说漂亮话的说法。


书信体小说,多角通信,主要是女主和闺蜜间的和嫂子和母亲之间的。lady susan人生态度相当坦荡——I never behaved less like a coquette in the whole course of my life.操控男人简直得心应手I have subdued him entirely by sentiment and serious conversation, and made him, I may venture to say, at least half in love with me, without the semblance of the most commonplace flirtation.这样一看,bbc的电影拍得挺好的,把看信的过程都具现化了。


[Epistolary Fiction]

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Lady Susan 在线电子书 图书描述

Beautiful, flirtatious, and recently widowed, Lady Susan Vernon seeks an advantageous second marriage for herself, while attempting to push her daughter into a dismal match. A magnificently crafted novel of Regency manners and mores that will delight Austen enthusiasts with its wit and elegant expression.

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Lady Susan 在线电子书 读后感


读书笔记 谢绝转载 There is a possibility that this text is parody, which imitates some popular novels that mirrored the social and historical context in that age by a humorous way. The evidence to support this argument could be found in page 5. “It is scar...


读书笔记 谢绝转载 There is a possibility that this text is parody, which imitates some popular novels that mirrored the social and historical context in that age by a humorous way. The evidence to support this argument could be found in page 5. “It is scar...


读书笔记 谢绝转载 There is a possibility that this text is parody, which imitates some popular novels that mirrored the social and historical context in that age by a humorous way. The evidence to support this argument could be found in page 5. “It is scar...


读书笔记 谢绝转载 There is a possibility that this text is parody, which imitates some popular novels that mirrored the social and historical context in that age by a humorous way. The evidence to support this argument could be found in page 5. “It is scar...


读书笔记 谢绝转载 There is a possibility that this text is parody, which imitates some popular novels that mirrored the social and historical context in that age by a humorous way. The evidence to support this argument could be found in page 5. “It is scar...

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