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The Strategy Paradox

Michael E. Raynor 作者
Crown Business
2007-2 出版日期
320 頁數
USD 27.50 價格
9780385516228 圖書編碼

The Strategy Paradox 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 戰略  商業  strategy  哲學  管理  戰略管理  Uncertainty  方法論   

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The Strategy Paradox 在線電子書 著者簡介

The Strategy Paradox 在線電子書 著者簡介

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The Strategy Paradox 在線電子書 圖書描述

A compelling vision. Bold leadership. Decisive action. Unfortunately, these prerequisites of success are almost always the ingredients of failure, too. In fact, most managers seeking to maximize their chances for glory are often unwittingly setting themselves up for ruin. The sad truth is that most companies have left their futures almost entirely to chance, and don’t even realize it. The reason? Managers feel they must make choices with far-reaching consequences today, but must base those choices on assumptions about a future they cannot predict. It is this collision between commitment and uncertainty that creates THE STRATEGY PARADOX.

This paradox sets up a ubiquitous but little-understood tradeoff. Because managers feel they must base their strategies on assumptions about an unknown future, the more ambitious of them hope their guesses will be right – or that they can somehow adapt to the turbulence that will arise. In fact, only a small number of lucky daredevils prosper, while many more unfortunate, but no less capable managers find themselves at the helms of sinking ships. Realizing this, even if only intuitively, most managers shy away from the bold commitments that success seems to demand, choosing instead timid, unremarkable strategies, sacrificing any chance at greatness for a better chance at mere survival.

Michael E. Raynor, coauthor of the bestselling The Innovator's Solution, explains how leaders can break this tradeoff and achieve results historically reserved for the fortunate few even as they reduce the risks they must accept in the pursuit of success. In the cutthroat world of competitive strategy, this is as close as you can come to getting something for nothing.

Drawing on leading-edge scholarship and extensive original research, Raynor’s revolutionary principle of Requisite Uncertainty yields a clutch of critical, counter-intuitive findings. Among them:

-- The Board should not evaluate the CEO based on the company’s performance, but instead on the firm’s strategic risk profile

-- The CEO should notdrive results, butmanage uncertainty

-- Business unit leaders should not focus on execution, but on making strategic choices

-- Line managers should notworry about strategic risk, but devote themselves to delivering on commitments

With detailed case studies of success and failure at Sony, Microsoft, Vivendi Universal, Johnson & Johnson, AT&T and other major companies in industries from financial services to energy, Raynor presents a concrete framework for strategic action that allows companies to seize today’s opportunities while simultaneously preparing for tomorrow’s promise.

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The Strategy Paradox 在線電子書 讀後感


Michael E. Raynor 2007年的商业畅销书《The Strategy Paradox》认为,未来本质上不可预测。这本书研究公司战略,一出来就立即被很多商学院选为MBA必读书。其实大多数MBA看这书可能一辈子也用不上,因为这本书专门研究面对不可预测的未来,CEO应该怎么干。 Raynor认为,任何一...


Michael E. Raynor 2007年的商业畅销书《The Strategy Paradox》认为,未来本质上不可预测。这本书研究公司战略,一出来就立即被很多商学院选为MBA必读书。其实大多数MBA看这书可能一辈子也用不上,因为这本书专门研究面对不可预测的未来,CEO应该怎么干。 Raynor认为,任何一...


Michael E. Raynor 2007年的商业畅销书《The Strategy Paradox》认为,未来本质上不可预测。这本书研究公司战略,一出来就立即被很多商学院选为MBA必读书。其实大多数MBA看这书可能一辈子也用不上,因为这本书专门研究面对不可预测的未来,CEO应该怎么干。 Raynor认为,任何一...


Michael E. Raynor 2007年的商业畅销书《The Strategy Paradox》认为,未来本质上不可预测。这本书研究公司战略,一出来就立即被很多商学院选为MBA必读书。其实大多数MBA看这书可能一辈子也用不上,因为这本书专门研究面对不可预测的未来,CEO应该怎么干。 Raynor认为,任何一...


Michael E. Raynor 2007年的商业畅销书《The Strategy Paradox》认为,未来本质上不可预测。这本书研究公司战略,一出来就立即被很多商学院选为MBA必读书。其实大多数MBA看这书可能一辈子也用不上,因为这本书专门研究面对不可预测的未来,CEO应该怎么干。 Raynor认为,任何一...

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