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Anders Ericsson 作者
Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
2016-4-5 出版日期
336 頁數
USD 28.00 價格
9780544456235 圖書編碼

Peak 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 學習方法  刻意練習  學習  方法論  心理學  英文原版  提升之路  思維   

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Peak 在線電子書 用戶評價




Purposeful practice (specific goal + intense focus + immediate feedback + frequent discomfort) + Expert coaching


20160611上午閱畢。一本比"一萬小時"理論更全麵的書,除瞭強調刻意練習和及時有效反饋之外,更重要的一點是mental representation/心智錶徵--總覺得筆記流的方法在此適用。英文難度不大,書不厚,且略顯羅嗦。


You can learn anything.


什麼樂器其實無所謂,關健 是樂器演奏是最典型的可以步步進階的練習。它 與天分有點關係,但更與努力相關,隻要你是正 常人,練習時間足夠,練習方法正確,你肯定可 以一級一級攀到專業水平。 經意不經意間,虎媽摸到瞭刻意練習的門。 刻意練習適用於這類領域和技能的學習: ——難度分級; ——目標明確; ——反饋清楚; ——方法成熟; ——改進具體; ——過程艱苦。

Peak 在線電子書 著者簡介

K. Anders Ericsson (born 1947) is a Swedish psychologist and Conradi Eminent Scholar and Professor of Psychology at Florida State University who is internationally recognized as a researcher in the psychological nature of expertise and human performance.

Currently, Ericsson studies expert performance in domains such as medicine, music, chess, and sports, focusing exclusively on extended deliberate practice (e.g., high concentration practice beyond one's comfort zone) as a means of how expert performers acquire their superior performance. Critically, Ericsson's program of research serves as a direct complement to other research that addresses cognitive ability, personality, interests, and other factors that help researchers understand and predict deliberate practice and expert performance

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Peak 在線電子書 圖書描述

“This book is a breakthrough, a lyrical, powerful, science-based narrative that actually shows us how to get better (much better) at the things we care about.”—Seth Godin, author of Linchpin

“Anyone who wants to get better at anything should read [Peak]. Rest assured that the book is not mere theory. Ericsson’s research focuses on the real world, and he explains in detail, with examples, how all of us can apply the principles of great performance in our work or in any other part of our lives.”—Fortune

Anders Ericsson has made a career studying chess champions, violin virtuosos, star athletes, and memory mavens. Peak distills three decades of myth-shattering research into a powerful learning strategy that is fundamentally different from the way people traditionally think about acquiring new abilities. Whether you want to stand out at work, improve your athletic or musical performance, or help your child achieve academic goals, Ericsson’s revolutionary methods will show you how to improve at almost any skill that matters to you.

“The science of excellence can be divided into two eras: before Ericsson and after Ericsson. His groundbreaking work, captured in this brilliantly useful book, provides us with a blueprint for achieving the most important and life-changing work possible: to become a little bit better each day.”—Dan Coyle, author of The Talent Code

“Ericsson’s research has revolutionized how we think about human achievement. If everyone would take the lessons of this book to heart, it could truly change the world.”—Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein

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Peak 在線電子書 讀後感


总结的方法 1 树立高目标并保持动力 2 反复练习形成套路 3 不断反馈和调整 4 跳出舒适区和停滞区 我们应该如何在工作中运用刻意练习的原则呢? 第一,让练习变成日常工作的一部分。第二,边干边学,它使人们熟悉练习的习惯,并思考如何练习。第三,用王牌训练法训练,模拟实战...  


今年年初,扇贝单词上推出一个打卡计划,付费20.17元即可参加,如果打卡打到一定数量,就能得到对应奖励。1月1日这天我打了卡,但没有参加这个计划,到了1月3日,我才发现,2日那天我压根忘了扇贝单词。 新年计划往往建立的轰轰烈烈,失败的也默默无闻,往往我们能做到一天、一...


PS:最近发起了这本书的共读活动(每月都有,每期一本书)—— 本文是书籍《刻意练习》的书评分享,看完这篇书评,再看一下我分享的书摘和思维导图,你就不用再阅读一次了。 公众号 PomoNote 回复关键词“刻意练习”,可获取本书的书摘和思维导图。 ## 书籍介绍 这本书出版于去...  



一句话的事情,写成一本书举例啰嗦。目录混乱,缺乏逻辑;观点散落在各处,每点也讲不透。 (《异类》一书开始火的)批判一万小时的努力理论(当然也有说好的地方,大多数领域的成就还是需要时间积累的),简化成刻意练习,五十步笑百步。凡事把成功简单归因都是有漏洞和问题的...  

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