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Decision Points

George W. Bush 作者
Virgin Books
2010-11-10 出版日期
512 頁數
GBP 25.00 價格
9780753539668 圖書編碼

Decision Points 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 傳記  小布什  美國  政治  迴憶錄  英文原版  曆史  GeorgeBush   

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Decision Points 在線電子書 用戶評價






還是最喜歡開頭結尾這種無關痛癢的部分 什麼軼事囧事糗事煞是吸引人


喬治·沃剋·布什 自己寫自傳,免不瞭要為自己受到的批評辯護,當然就對外政策來說我本來就傾嚮於支持布什,所以覺得他的辯護可以接受,但也不排除有人本來反對但讀過之後改變自己的觀點,他在一些失誤方麵也大方承認瞭。其實本書比較適閤他的反對者和生活在美國的國民看看,真心值得推薦,今天剛看完。


還是最喜歡開頭結尾這種無關痛癢的部分 什麼軼事囧事糗事煞是吸引人

Decision Points 在線電子書 著者簡介

• 生於1946年7月6日美國康涅狄格州的紐海文市

• 美國第43任總統

• 任期 :2001年1月20日——2009年1月20日

• 父親是美國第41任總統喬治•赫伯特•沃剋•布什

Decision Points 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Decision Points 在線電子書 圖書描述

In the final year of my presidency, I began to think seriously about writing

my memoirs. On the recommendation of Karl Rove, I met with more than a

dozen distinguished historians. To a person, they told me I had an

obligation to write. They felt it was important that I record my perspective on

the presidency, in my own words.

“Have you ever seen the movie Apollo 13?” the historian Jay Winik asked.

“Everyone knows the astronauts make it home in the end. But you’re on the

edge of your seat wondering how they do it.”

Nearly all the historians suggested that I read Memoirs by President

Ulysses S. Grant, which I did. The book captures his distinctive voice. He

uses anecdotes to re-create his experience during the Civil War. I could

see why his work had endured.

Like Grant, I decided not to write an exhaustive account of my life or

presidency. Instead I have told the story of my time in the White House by

focusing on the most important part of the job: making decisions. Each

chapter is based on a major decision or a series of related decisions. As a

result, the book flows thematically, not in a day-by-day chronology. I do not

cover all of the important issues that crossed my desk. Many devoted

members of my Cabinet and staff are mentioned briefly or not at all. I value

their service, and I will always be grateful for their contributions.

My goals in writing this book are twofold. First, I hope to paint a picture of

what it was like to serve as president for eight consequential years. I

believe it will be impossible to reach definitive conclusions about my

presidency—or any recent presidency, for that matter—for several

decades. The passage of time allows passions to cool, results to clarify,

and scholars to compare different approaches. My hope is that this book

will serve as a resource for anyone studying this period in American history.

Second, I write to give readers a perspective on decision making in a

complex environment. Many of the decisions that reach the president’s

desk are tough calls, with strong arguments on both sides. Throughout the

book, I describe the options I weighed and the principles I followed. I hope

this will give you a better sense of why I made the decisions I did. Perhaps

it will even prove useful as you make choices in your own life.

Decision Points is based primarily on my recollections. With help from

researchers, I have confirmed my account with government documents,

contemporaneous notes, personal interviews, news reports, and other

sources, some of which remain classified. There were instances in which I

had to rely on my memory alone. If there are inaccuracies in this book, the

responsibility is mine.

In the pages that follow, I have done my best to write about the decisions I

got right, those I got wrong, and what I would do differently if given the

Page 5

chance. Of course, in the presidency, there are no do-overs. You have to

do what you believe is right and accept the consequences. I tried to do that

every day of my eight years in office. Serving as president was the honor of

a lifetime, and I appreciate your giving me an opportunity to share my story.


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Decision Points 在線電子書 讀後感


1、书写的很厚道,大部分都是选择读者想看的那些决策内容、决策过程,写自己私生活的流水帐部分很少,不骗稿费。内容安排不是按照时间顺序,而是事件顺序。 2、感受最深的是顶住压力增兵伊拉克那一段,如果当时美军放弃了伊拉克,别说伊拉克毁了,现在的“阿拉伯之春”有没有...  


布什这本书是写给他的反对者看的,为自己那些不受欢迎的决定辩护,而且他也预料到反对者并不会接受他的辩护,所以他在最后说“历史将会对我的总统任期做出判断,而我本人将不会听到这个判断“,意思是都不寄希望能在有生之年被平反了,很是落寞。 他这本书分14章,分别讲述戒...  


布什这本书是写给他的反对者看的,为自己那些不受欢迎的决定辩护,而且他也预料到反对者并不会接受他的辩护,所以他在最后说“历史将会对我的总统任期做出判断,而我本人将不会听到这个判断“,意思是都不寄希望能在有生之年被平反了,很是落寞。 他这本书分14章,分别讲述戒...  



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