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Why I Write

George Orwell 作者
Penguin Books
2005-9-6 出版日期
119 頁數
GBP 9.98 價格
9780143036357 圖書編碼

Why I Write 在線電子書 圖書標籤: GeorgeOrwell  寫作  喬治·奧威爾  隨筆  英國文學  英文原版  英國  文學   

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Why I Write 在線電子書 用戶評價


@ LSE Library




George Orwell, what else can I say? 偷用瞭他這篇文章的題目作為我optional essay的題目。他和Joan Didion的兩篇應該閤並起來看。但是很可惜的是,我完全無法最終給齣一個why來,所以我隻能用另外一個George的句子來結尾。真心羨慕會寫故事的人。


I didn't finished it though. it still a fantastic book



Why I Write 在線電子書 著者簡介

George Orwell

Son of an English administrator stationed in India (in the "Opium Department"), Orwell (born Eric Blair) returned to Henley-on-Thames in England with his mother when he was 2. He eventually attended Eton, becoming a somewhat rebellious boy who questioned his family's middle-class values. From 1921 to 1927, he served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, a job he loathed, and after he resigned he devoted himself to learning to write, first in England, then in Paris, where he began to publish articles on social issues under the pen name of George Orwell. All his life, Orwell was aware of and outraged by poverty and unemployment and the inequities of the oppressive English class system. Impoverished himself, he worked in the kitchen of a Paris hotel, out of which came his memoir, DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON. He wrote several novels during this period--the first to be published was A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER in 1935--as well as his classic study of Yorkshire coal miners, THE ROAD TO WIGAN PIER (1937). (Later in life, Orwell commented, "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism...") Orwell fought with the antifascists in the Spanish Civil War, detailing his experiences in HOMAGE TO CATALONIA (1938), and during World War II he wrote for the BBC. He is credited with coining the expression "cold war." Orwell's scathing political satire, ANIMAL FARM, was published after the war, in 1945. His first wife also died that year, and he and his son moved to the island of Jura off the Scottish coast, where Orwell wrote his most famous and influential novel, 1984, which was published in 1949. He remarried shortly after, but in 1950 he died of the tuberculosis that had long plagued him.

Why I Write 在線電子書 著者簡介

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Book Dimension:

length: (cm)17.7                 width:(cm)11.3

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Why I Write 在線電子書 讀後感




阅读是一件私事,这是在看这本书过程中,在我头脑里面产生的一个想法。 记得之前听过这么一件事:有一群小孩子寄信给一位作家,问他是否在写某篇文章的时候,要表达的意思和阅读理解所提供的答案一致,作家对答案一头雾水,表示那完全不是自己所想的。 一部作品,不论是小说...  


一,学校与童年 我清楚的记得有一年因为误点没赶上飞机,花钱补票在机场干等下一班起飞,同时对着电话另一端的数落不住陪小心,这个模样就是奥威尔提到的“一年只挣XXX的办公室小当差的”。 虽然我没有经历过傻包与翻脸,但介于两者之间的,面无表情之流,我见过太多。与奥威...  




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