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Thinking in Bets

Annie Duke 作者
2018-2-6 出版日期
256 頁數
USD 26.00 價格
9780735216358 圖書編碼

Thinking in Bets 在線電子書 圖書標籤: 決策  思維  心理學  英文原版  不確定性  認知精進  撲剋  成長   

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作者主要的觀點就是:不要對過去做齣的選擇有所遺憾,因為糟糕的結果,需要不斷地前行。裏麵用到瞭很多Thinking Fast and Slow裏的心理概念。


道理咱都懂,但鴿子還是很大… 其實不少論點在其他地方都見過,尤其很多都在《思考,快與慢》中提及過。個人覺得可能比較獨特有趣的兩點:1. 簡單地問一句“打個賭?”往往就能迫使自己更理性地分析各種可能性,幫助形成更全麵的觀點。2. 許多不利於探尋真理的思維定式,如自以為是、怨天尤人、幸災樂禍,因為它們都會讓自我感覺相對更良好,所以都難以改正;因此需要對應地在大腦中為相反想法建立正嚮反饋,比如誇奬自己“這種情況下我能不怨天尤人真難得”之類的,纔能讓有益的思維模式形成習慣。


audible 已讀, 雖然沒有特彆多可執行的建議,但是對整理思路還是有好處的


作者主要的觀點就是:不要對過去做齣的選擇有所遺憾,因為糟糕的結果,需要不斷地前行。裏麵用到瞭很多Thinking Fast and Slow裏的心理概念。



Thinking in Bets 在線電子書 著者簡介

Annie Duke (born Anne LaBarr Lederer) is a professional poker player and author who won a bracelet in the 2004 World Series of Poker $2,000 Omaha Hi-Low Split-8 or Better Event and was the winner of the 2004 World Series of Poker Tournament of Champions, where she earned the Winner-Take-All prize of $2,000,000.

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Thinking in Bets 在線電子書 圖書描述

In Super Bowl XLIX, Seahawks coach Pete Carroll made one of the most controversial calls in football history: With 26 seconds remaining, and trailing by four at the Patriots' one-yard line, he called for a pass instead of a hand off to his star running back. The pass was intercepted and the Seahawks lost. Critics called it the dumbest play in history. But was the call really that bad? Or did Carroll actually make a great move that was ruined by bad luck?

Even the best decision doesn't yield the best outcome every time. There's always an element of luck that you can't control, and there is always information that is hidden from view. So the key to long-term success (and avoiding worrying yourself to death) is to think in bets: How sure am I? What are the possible ways things could turn out? What decision has the highest odds of success? Did I land in the unlucky 10% on the strategy that works 90% of the time? Or is my success attributable to dumb luck rather than great decision making?

Annie Duke, a former World Series of Poker champion turned business consultant, draws on examples from business, sports, politics, and (of course) poker to share tools anyone can use to embrace uncertainty and make better decisions. For most people, it's difficult to say "I'm not sure" in a world that values and, even, rewards the appearance of certainty. But professional poker players are comfortable with the fact that great decisions don't always lead to great outcomes and bad decisions don't always lead to bad outcomes.

By shifting your thinking from a need for certainty to a goal of accurately assessing what you know and what you don't, you'll be less vulnerable to reactive emotions, knee-jerk biases, and destructive habits in your decision making. You'll become more confident, calm, compassionate and successful in the long run.

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由于具有不确定性(运气因素),生活更像是扑克而不是象棋,因此学习对赌思维十分必要。 对赌思维就是认识到决策的质量和运气在影响着我们的生活,因此我们要去学习分辨两者。普通人以结果为导向(把结果等同于决策质量),而高手关注系统。以结果为导向就会导致瞎JB更改决策系...  


决策高手和普通人有气质和境界上的差异,贝叶斯定理:科学决策的第一步是把你对事物的判断概率化。例子 可能会下雨改为下雨可能性65%。头脑清醒的人区分决策和运气,因为结果没成功只是运气问题。普通人关注结果以结果为导向,高手关注系统这是科学决策的基本功。自利性偏差。对...  

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